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There's just enough time left in the season for one more crop. Your first harvest sold for a fair price at the market and was cleaned out quickly after they were set out for sale. The last few remaining parsnips sit in a basket on the display while you are buying fresh packets of seeds.

    "I can't believe they're almost gone! I'm lucky I even got here now to grab some up." Mayor Lewis shoves past Marnie and rushes to the produce display to snag the last of the parsnips.

    Marnie looks annoyed but keeps the tone down in her voice, "Calm down Lewis, nobody is fighting you for them."

    Lewis only appears annoyed by her and turns to speak with Pierre, the shop owner.

    "Do you know how much this could help the town? Selling produce like this?" He questions with a sense of urgency.

    A flash of a sneer arrives and quickly changes into a smile on Pierre's face, "Yes I do think they'd help out with profit... for the town I mean. But we must pay the due respect to (Y/N) for raising such a quality crop." His hand lifts to direct attention toward you.

    A box of fertilizer is set firmly in your had as you pay mind not to rustle about the shelves when you are distracted. You weren't paying full attention but picked up on your name being spoken. With confusion you search the faces of the older group of villagers, waiting for someone to restate what had been said.

    Marnie lights up in your direction with a comforting smile, "(Y/N) really has done a fantastic job with this harvest, thank you very much, dear." Her head nods toward you in gratitude.

    "Oh! Right, I'm glad everyone is liking them. It was hard work but it paid off. I'm picking out my next seeds right now actually, I'm not sure what to get."

    Lewis walks stiffly to your side and examines the small selection of seeds amongst the boxes of fertilizer.


    "Let's see here..." his fingers brush along the row of packets, quickly examining each one, "You do have enough time for cauliflower, they take about a month to grow out here. Or if you want to have more than one harvest you could do potatoes or garlic." He suggests.

    Imagining rotating through crops so quickly is a bit scary to you. Just barely you had been successful at this first crop, and you don't want to overestimate your abilities. Already you need to start planning for summer crops, and that will take a good amount of time to do.

    You snag a few packets from the display, "I think we'll do cauliflower, there's a lot you can make with it. And the heads are big enough that everyone should plan on getting their fair share."

    This interests Pierre, the speculation of future sales, "That's quite thoughtful of you, we do want everyone to be able to enjoy the fresh produce don't we?"

    It's doubtful that is what Pierre is really interested in, the profits seem to be a bit more appealing than satiating the town. Nonetheless, supporting the town's economy is good for everyone. Though Pierre has a seeming monopoly over the town, it's still better than sending everyone to Joja Mart for overpriced, slightly less than standard-quality vegetables. Pierre's is really is the lesser of two evils.

    Marnie makes small talk with you and follows you through the aisles while you pick out a few groceries to restock. Flour, sugar, oil, and a few snacky things. While you check out at the ancient register she lets you know that she'll send Jas to the farm later that afternoon to refill the eggs in your fridge. You thank her for the generosity and head home.

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