Chapter 9: No Spare Parts Left

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Morning seemed to have passed by so quickly. The sun was soon up, and the lamp posts turned themselves off. Aunt Fanny was now in the kitchen cooking for her boarders, with Alli helping out.

The Rusties and Blue. tiredly walked their way towards the table. The young human was dressed in a white tank top, baby blue PJ capris pants, and a robe, with one side nearly falling to the side. Like her friends, she was lost in the early morning wake-up fog. But Aunt Fan had come up with a special remedy. 

"Breakfast! This will perk everyone up. Some of Aunt Fanny's fresh brewed coffee," Aunt Fanny placed a tray of coffee in the middle of the table. The Rusties perked up and each took a cup. "Careful, it's hot."

The Rusties moaned with delight when the coffee met their tongues and lips. Nothing wakes up a bot quite like a cup of hot coffee in the morning. Blue wasn't one for coffee, so she was alright with strawberry milk. Wonderbot sipped on some grease through a straw and let out a high-pitched hiccup.

"Excuse you, lil' guy," Alli chuckled to the little bot as she entered the dining room area with plates of crepes. Blue slightly covered her mouth as she giggled.

"Whatcha got there, Alli?" Crank asked as he studied the plates.

"Just some special crepes. My mom would make those on Fridays since my sis and I were kids," Alli beamed as she set the plates down. "Plus, I've been told Blue's gluten-free, so no one's left out."

"No way! Pears and cinnamon dulce! Nice!" Fender remarked once he took a bite of his crepe.

"This is awesome!" Piper added.

"This is heaven. And I'm being genuine at the moment," Crank agreed.

Blue let out a content squeak when she recognized the pears and caramel in her crepe. Alli chuckled at the young human's delight as she took a seat between her and Piper.

Rodney, who had just walked in, beamed softly with quiet, blushing cheeks at the auburn-curled woman before taking a cup of coffee from Aunt Fanny. "So, sleep well last night?"

"You mean, after the whole armpit fart party? Yep." Alli snorted at her joke. The Rusties also chuckled, as well as Rodney.

"So what are you guys doing today?" He then turned to the Rusties.

"We're doing it," Fender answered.

"What about you?" Piper asked next.

"Bigweld's disappeared, and you're just sitting there," Rodney said unbelievingly.

"I think that's already been established." Fender shrugged.

"And when is that established?" Alli inquired.

"Like, about three seconds ago?"

"Well, I gotta go find out what happened to him," Rodney said as he set down his mug.

"Hey, you want my advice?" Crank suggested.


"Forget it," Crank answered. Rodney looked at him disapprovingly. "Never try, never fail. Those are the words I live by."

Rodney couldn't believe it. "Crank, the idol to millions is gone, and no one's caring about it!" He stepped up next to the window. "There's supposed to be an angry mob out there!" No sooner had the words left his mouth when a crowd of bots passed by the house down the street. He did a double take out through the window. "What the—?"

The Rusties, Aunt Fanny, Alli, and Blue let their mouths wide open at the mob.

Rodney, Alli, Fender, and the Rusties rushed outside to watch the mob pass them.

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