Chapter 15: See a Need, Fill a Need

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News often traveled slowly to Rivet Town, so Herb had no idea what a hero his son had become in the big city. All he knew was that there seemed to be a never-ending supply of dishes coming his way, and he was having more trouble keeping up with the younger, newer models of dishwashers out there. Nevertheless, he did his best, chugging away as the grease and grime were washed away from his torso.


Herb perked up when he heard his wife's voice from outside the washing room.

"Herb!" Lydia rushed in through the door.

"Honey, what are you doing here?" Herb asked confused.

"It's Rodney, honey!"

"Rodney? Is he alright?" Herb set down a stack of dishes on the countertop.

"Come outside! Hurry!" Lydia couldn't contain herself.

Herb was about to follow his wife, but Mr. Gunk stomped in front of Lydia, stopping him in his tracks. "Copperbottom. Where are you going? What about the dishes?" He demanded.

Herb didn't know what to say. Instead, with a glare, he unstrapped the dishwasher and plunked it onto Mr. Gunk's head. Now he could wash all the dishes he wanted.

"Hey, get back here!" Mr. Gunk demanded as Herb and Lyda walked out of the diner hand-in-hand. "You'll never wash in this town again!" He yelled in pain when the door slammed into his face, knocking him down.

Herb had been confused before, but when he stepped outside, he saw bots celebrating in the streets. He really didn't know what to think. "Wha—? What is all this? The whole town is out here," he asked in perplexion.

He glanced up at a platform set up above the crowd. When he recognized a familiar man, his eyes widened in excitement. "Rodney?!"

There, above all others, was Rodney with none other than Bigweld and a young human. "Dad!" Rodney called. "There's someone here I want you to meet."

"Is that...?" Herb started when he saw Bigweld. He could barely believe his eyes.

"That's Bigweld, Dad. The greatest robot in the world, besides you," Rodney smiled. "And there's someone else I want you to meet, too." He then took Alli by the hand and pulled her close to him. "This is Alli Reely, Dad. The girl who helped us fight for outmodes everywhere...and the girl I love for who she is."

At that statement, the crowd instantly cheered. Alli blushed from embarrassment and shyness, yet her smile didn't falter.

"Great to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Copperbottom," she held her hand out to Rodney's parents but was instantly pulled in for a hug by Lydia.

"It's so great to meet you, dear!" Lydia beamed at her, holding her hand in hers.

"I understand that you need a few parts," Bigweld said to Herb, pulling him aside, as he shook his hand.

"Well, I'm not to complain, but..." Herb chuckled.

"Well, then don't! I've brought enough parts to make two of you!" Bigweld stated as another bot rolled in two boxes of parts for Herb. He was practically speechless.

"Ladies and gentlebots..." Bigweld's voice echoed as he spoke into a microphone. "...I came all this way..." he stopped when his voice echoed again.

"Would you cut that out? It's very distracting," he gently lectured the microphone, which hobbled off as it apologized.

"Where was I?" Mr. and Mrs. Copperbottom, I came all this way to tell you in person..." Bigweld started again as he stood next to Herb and Lydia. "...that your son, Rodney–the man who got me off my big titanium tuchis–is now my right-hand bot and my eventual successor."

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