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It wasn't long before Mac looked back. Nan immediately pulled out a chair and sat next to Mac, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he saw Mac's face go pale.

"You!" Mac was speechless because he was in shock.

"Who is that?" Mac's friend immediately asked.

"I'm Mac's friend too, Nan. I haven't seen him in a long time, so I came to say hello. How are you?" Nan said normally, but Mac's throat was dry, helpless, the fear in his heart returning after spreading for less than a month. When Mac was about to freak out, he was afraid to say anything that would let his friends know what happen to Mac.

"What you want?" Mac decided to ask with a stern look on Nan's face trying not to show fear to his other friends.

"I have something to talk about. Come talk to me outside," Nan said quietly. Hearing this, Mac felt even more disturbed. He was afraid that Nan would take him away like back then. Mac looked outside the shop carefully.

"Just talk in front of the store. I won't bother you for that long," Nan said again. Why can't he see that Mac is scared? Mac turned to look at his friend slightly.

"Wait a minute, sit down and eat," Mac told his friends.

"Do you want me to go out with you?" asked one of Mac's friends because he saw that Mac's behavior was not very good.

"Okay, I'm going to go outside for a minute to talk about some errands," Mac said, before getting up and leading him to the front of the store. Nan turned to give Mac's friend a slight smile.

Nan followed Mac unhurriedly. Mac was waiting in front of the store with people passing periodically, Mac wanted to be in a crowded place to protect himself.

"What else do you have with me?" Mac asked sternly but not loud. Nan looked at Mac from head to toe, which made Mac hate the look in Nan's eyes, that he was looking at him too much like that.

"What else do you want from me?" Mac asked a little louder.

"Shh, don't make noise. Someone will be suspicious," Nan said hoarsely. Mac clenched his fists tightly as he looked around. Someone turned to look at Mac and Nan suspiciously. Mac turned and glared at him.

"Patience is short, sir," Nan said mockingly. Mac had to take a deep breath to calm down even more.

"If you don't have anything to say, then I'll go," Mac interrupted, seeing that Nan was just trying to annoy him. Mac pretends to go into the store, but is stopped by Nan's next words.

"I'll give you an hour to eat," Nan said shortly. Mac immediately turned to look at him.

"Because?" Mac asked.

"Finish eating, then break away from your friends, sit here and wait for me. I'll go for a walk around." Nan didn't respond to Mac at all.

"Then why do I have to wait for you? That day, Bricks told him that, didn't he? that people are different" Mac said, therefore Nan had to stop messing with himself like Day and Brick had said.

"Now there are 59 minutes left, I have given you plenty of time," Nan said again. Mac felt his patience wearing thin.

"If you don't want to, I can assure you that your friend will know that the two of us used to..." Nan said, looking at Mac again with sly eyes until Mac's chills ran through his entire body.

"My friends won't believe you," Mac said pretending, but in his heart he was a little afraid.

"So I'm going to have to show them the clip," Nan said again. Making Mac tremble with anger.

Love Syndrome (Nan & Mac) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now