Chapter one: turquoise

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You've always had a thing for art, you lived and breathed it, your very soul was art. You fell in love with it, they way the paintbrush touched the canvas and that feeling you'd get when the colours would bleed out and dance to the twists and turns of you brush.

For a those small moments when you were there, dancing and living inside your art, you felt free. No longer trapped by your life and the horrors around you it felt like you had taken off like a bird and left everything behind, no longer tapped in a bird cage.


You jump startled at the loud sound of someone shouting your name, interrupting you yet again from your world.

You turn around and slide your black headphones that you accessorised with cute cat stickers off. You smile awkwardly at the girl in front of you. She had brown hair, messily tied up into a ponytail with the only thing keeping it together was all the clips she has hurriedly put in, her uniform was lazily put together probably in a rush again to leave the house this morning.

"Yes ,Sasha?" You laugh as you put your paints away and she moans to you again about wanting to hurry up so she doesn't miss lunch. " we have to hurry up! Otherwise the pizzas will sell out!!" She paced as she waits for you, brows knit together clearly worried about food, the usual.

You grab her hand and pull her out of the classroom and walk down the hall, "let's hurry then?" You grin as she speed walks passed you, clearly happy.

You both arrive and wait in the Que patiently, she turns to you and gasps and jumps with her hands on your shoulders, " Y/N! They have cookies today!!!" She squeals and you swear you see drool come out of her mouth.

You laugh at her and pat her head, you both quickly make it to the front and order your food and hurry to sit down with the rest of your friends.

You smile as you watch Connie and Jean bully Sasha because of how fast she's eating her food, you glance around the hall at the other students chatting and messing around.

You watch as you see others from a lot of your classes interact with each other. Historia was sat next to Ymir on the other side of the hall with boys flicking her table, Reiner included.

Your eyes move to the next table, you didn't really know them but they always caught your eye for some reason, a black haired girl and a small blonde haired boy. They always seem so quiet you wondered what they were like and what they would do.

you see another person approach them but before you can focus Connie slaps you on the back. You jump, startled again and look at him.

"-Isn't that right, y/n?" He says with a smirk on his face. You question what he was on about and the other laugh at him.

Time skips by and before you know it, it's the end of the day. "Bye y/n see you tomorrow! OH DONT FORGET TO TEXT ME OKAYYYYY!?" You laugh as sasha runs down the hall waving back at you, clearly not looking where she's going as she runs into her least favourite teacher, shadis.

You giggle as you hear him shout at her, you make your way to the art class and open the door. It was quiet and nobody was there, paints all neatly packed away. The smell of cleaning products and clay and paint hit your nose and you smile.

It smells like home, in a strange way. You set you bag down and grab your canvas you has left early today. You set it down on a easel and grab all your paints out. You walk over to the window and grab a cup from the side and start to fill it with water. You look outside and stare as you see that small group from earlier, you pay more attention to them this time.

The girl was tall and her black hair was to her shoulders with some bits pulled into small pigtails with edgy clips decorating them. Her uniform was neat but she accessorised it to her liking with safety pins and skull accessories.

The boy next to her was a bit shorter, his hair too, was long and blonde. It was a bit unkempt but not badly, he had big nerdy glasses and in his hands was books, he had pins stuck to his blazer, probably of a comic or game you guessed.

You laugh as you return back to your easel, you think to yourself that they both were quiet nerdy in their own ways which was cute.

You analyse your painting, it was a young boy in a open field full of greenery. He had brown hair and a tan face with a light top, almost medieval looking. He had the most greenish blue eyes, like the sea, and everyone you looked at them it made you feel at home but almost sad.

This want the first time you had painted him, you had painted him countless times. You have had visions of him, somewhere a long time a go you feel. Every time you thought of him your heart would ache and long but you didn't know why.

It was like your soul was calling for him, longing. So you painted him in all the ways you felt, sad , angry, happy and all.

Your hand grabs the paintbrush and it starts again, your mind goes blank and you let yourself get lost in the feelings of yourself. Your hand dances and twists as you finish your drawing, and you feel it. You feel everything, everything you've ever felt with this person, all the good and the bad but mostly love but your heart still aches.

You don't know how long you stood there painting but after awhile you stepped back and watched your painting. And for some reason your eyes watered and one of your eyes cried, like one part of you knew something that you had forgotten. The floor creeks and you turn, wondering who was there and stop.

Your breath leaves your body and the world seems to stop as your eyes widen and there he is. His face is tanned and his hair is a beautiful shade of brown and his eyes, oh his eyes. Their a perfect shade of turquoise, it was like staring at the sky from under water, it felt like home.

His eyes widen, he too crying for some unknown reason and he turns and runs out of the room, and then he's gone and for some reason your heart aches even worse.

And you think to yourself, why?

Art    Eren x reader Where stories live. Discover now