Chapter seven : fall

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It's dark and cold, you can't see... there is nothing to see it's just empty, nothing anywhere but just you.

You turn and you heart drops to your stomach and your hair stands up on your skin. There's a person, it looks like you but not you at the same time and all you can feel is terror.
You need to move and get away from this being but no matter how hard you try to scream at your body to move you can't.


You plummet into more nothingness and you try to scream for help but all you can feel and see is that entity. You struggle to breathe and your hair lashes at you face. Oxygen is not rushing to your head fast enough and any moment now you feel as if you will pass out.

"There is only darkness for you and death for 'your people' you are strong child but I am beyond strength,

I am your end"


You jump up and nearly leap out of your bed as you clutch your chest as you struggle to breathe, you're wheezing and coughing with snot and spit coming from your mouth and nose as you try to calm down but you can't. Tears are streaming and won't stop as you crawl out of bed and onto the floor and you curl on the floor trying to not pass out.

The fear from that nightmare was real, you had died, you know you did the pain in your body proves it.

You choke as you start shaking and whisper in the most quietest voice...

"What was that"


Eren paces around his room as he stares at his phone waiting for you to reply, he felt like a jerk for not being able to say goodby properly or being able to finish the conversation.

"Stupid mikasa why is she always in my business.." he mutters to himself.

Mikasa had phoned him earlier asking him where he was ,as he had told her he would be hanging out with armin earlier but she had gone over Armins to check and found out he lied. she was angry at him for lying and worried too as she didn't know where he was, he just wanted to go out with you and not be followed by her.

He loves her, he really does but sometimes he thinks to himself how overbearing she can be. He doesn't blame her though as she has gone through a lot in her life. He just wanted the day to himself and to hang around you, he felt like you were home in a strange way.


The sun hits your face gently as you wake up. You get up and wince as you had fallen asleep on the floor and your back was a bit sore. You waddle to the bathroom and take a shower to calm yourself down, you were still shaken up from that nightmare last night.

You get ready and check the time, you were late to school. You curse at yourself and rush to school, there was an hour till lunch meaning you had missed nearly half of the day, you just hoped Mr Ackerman believed your excuse.


"Hey Y/N where we're you this morning you weren't innnnn" Sasha wines and shakes your body as she fake cries about worrying you were dead. You laugh awkwardly and tell her you woke up late.

Jean makes fun of you as he says you have terrible bags underneath your eyes, you flag him off and just eat you food quietly as Sasha and Connie bicker with each other. You feel your phone vibrate and check it.

'Heyyy sorry about not being
Able to say goodbye properly'
'I had fun today text me when
You're home'
'Hey you home?'
'U ok'
'I'm sorry did I upset you?'
'Why aren't you answering me?'

You curse at yourself, you forgot to text him when you got home as you were so exhausted and upset you fell asleep then you woke up early hours in the morning from that nightmare and it completely slipped your mind.

'Did I do something wrong'

He texts again. You look over your shoulder and see him staring at you and you swear you can see bags underneath his eyes. Your heart breaks seeing him like that and you look down at your phone.

'Omg I'm so sorry I got home and
I was so tired I fell asleep, then I had
An awful nightmare that's why I couldn't
Reply I'm so sorry :('

'U OK?'

'Yea I'm fine now'

'Bullshit meet me after school
In the art room ok?'

'I'm seriously fine'
'Ugh fine'

You sigh and finish up your food and spend the rest of the day with Sasha in your class and take it easy, you wonder why Eren wants to see you after school so badly and why he cares so much.


You peep your head into the art classroom and see Eren there admiring your other works for the class. You giggle to yourself and sneak up behind him and blow into his ear.

He jumps back, startled and lets out a small scream. You laugh at him and he goes red from embarrassment before he gets a grin on his face and starts tickling you. You start screaming from laughter and after awhile he lets you go.

Your face hurts from smiling so much but you calm down enough to ask him what he wanted. "Idiot ,I obviously wanted to check on you, I know how nightmares are I used to get them a lot apparently according to my mother" he grabs your cheek and stares at your face as he checks to see if you're ok.

You blush and you face feels hot as his skin touches yours, it's like fire but it feels so nice. You can't describe it but it felt right. His eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes are intense as he study's you. You gulp and gently hold his hand and pull it away from your face.

"I'm okay I promise I just had a fucking night terror or some shit...hope I never get one like that again it was terrifying I thought I died" you said as you play with his fingers gently.

He blushes slightly, "well if you ever have one again promise me you'll phone me or text me?".

"I promise".

Your pinkies intertwine and you stare at each other and smile happily. You hear the door creak open and a small gasp emit from someone and you turn to look and your stomach twists.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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