Maydare Tensei Monogatari
In the world of Maydare, where great magicians pull the strings of fate, there lived the "Scarlet Witch." She was condemned as the most wicked of them all. Makia is a descendant of that fabled "worst witch." Lately, Makia has been having dreams about a high school girl named Kazuha Oda... who turned out to be the person Makia was in her previous life! However, it so happened that Kazuha was murdered by a mysterious stranger...
Manga & Webtoon Recommendations Part 1 《Completed》
DiversosManga Recommendations 《Ongoing》 Here are my Manga Recommendations that I am reading at the moment. More Mangas will be continued to be added. 《These Mangas are not available here in Wattpad.》 Of course it would be better to...