I belong with you, you belong with me💜(proper one this time)

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Weeeeeeeeeee. Sorry for not posting in a while. Just didn't have the bloody motivation to write(very sad Ik) 

Anyways, the song this is inspired by is 'ho hey' by the lumineers. I love their songs. 

This is Shawnknight, that's what the vote was for!

Okay now y'all can read :)

(Oh yeah from now on, 💜 in the title means it's Shawnknight)


Waking up is always a pain. You were floating in the void of sleep before being ripped back into reality. Maybe being born is the same way. 

Tommy finally opened his eyes and looked around him. He's still in his room.(lucky him) Except something was different. Something to do with the extreme warmth that was wrapped around him.

Looking down he noticed an arm wrapped around him. 'ohh that's why it's so warm' he thought while turning into a tomato he was so red. 'we fell asleep..'

"Why are you moving around so much?" Asked a familiar voice, sounding very tired.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up' replied Tommy.

"It's fine," said Shawny while sitting up. "Should we go somewhere later?"

"Yeah, sure. Anywhere in mind?"

"That's a surprise!"

"Awwwwwww, come on, tell me. Pleeeeeease?"

"No, not yet!"


It was finally the evening and Tommy was very excited to finally go to the surprise place. Shawny had told him that they have to take a bus to get there so it probably wasn't anything within walking distance.

"You ready yet?"

'Speak of the devil and he shall appear I guess' thought Tommy before answering aloud, "Yup! Are you going to tell me yet?"

Shawny just laughed before walking away, motioning for Tommy to follow. He hurried after shawny, still trying to figure out where they were going.


The bus ride only took half an hour but to Tommy it felt like hours. He and Shawny had talked the entire time but it still was incredibly boring.

Finally getting off the bus, Shawny led the way to an area surrounded by trees.

"Hurry up! It's this way!" He said just before he disappeared from sight, being swallowed into the forest.

Tommy ran after him, trying to make sure that neither of them got lost from sight.

Eventually, after a while of stumbling through the thick undergrowth, the trees cleared and revealed a beautiful view of the sea and a small cliff that lead to the smallest beach to exist. It was, Beautiful, to say the least.

Shawney slid down the cliff a bit before turning to help Tommy down is well. They continued that way until they reached the bottom and collapsed into the sand, next to eachother.

"So, do you like the surprise?" Asked Shawny, looking at Tommy.

" I love it! When did you even find this place?" 

"A while back, I think it was June?" 

"That's two months ago! Why didn't you show me earlier?" Shawny just shrugged.

The sun was starting to kiss the horizon, just above the sea. Tommy was staring at it in amazement.

"It's so pretty......" He spoke, almost in a whisper.

"Yeah, it is" replied Shawny, but he wasn't looking at the sunset. Instead, he was looking at the way the light made Tommy's face glow.

They sat there until the sun had fully set and the sky was a bright red. 

"Come on, we gotta go or we'll miss the bus back." said Shawny while standing up. He helped Tommy stand up but didn't let go of his hand once he was standing. "There is one more thing though" he said, before leaning down and pressing a kiss to Tommy's lips.

Tommy turned bright red once more.

"Le-lets go catch the bus" he stammered, trying to function properly. Shawny laughed before dragging them both back to the cliff so that they could leave the beach.


I really like 'eat your young' by Hozier so that's why I put that there instead of the actual song that this is inspired by. Lol


Anyways! Hope y'all are having a ✨wonderful✨ day/night! Grim you better sleep if it's past 10pm.

Toodles! <3

*Disassembles self and runs off in thirty different directions*

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