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hi guys! In this chapter kie gets her revenge on her lousy ex boyfriend that had the audacity to cheat on her. This is also going to include Xavier a lot more so I hope you enjoy!

"He doesn't deserve you" Bea sobbed "you were way to good for him. He's the shitty one for letting you go. Because I know one thing for sure he will never be able to replace the love you gave him"

"I know Bea, I know but it still hurts. What did I do wrong? Do you think I was too overbearing or"

"STOP. Kie you did nothing wrong none of this is your fault. Remember to never equate your worth to a man's invalid and irrelevant opinion of you. You are you and from my point of view your an absolute masterpiece!"

I held Bea tighter and we sat there in a comfortable silence and I thanked the heavens above that I had someone like Bea to console me through this turbulent time.

Although I would have loved to stay in the utopia that was Bea's warm embrace we had classes to attend. Unfortunately me and Bea major in different things so she wasn't able to stay with me through my lecture but that didn't hinder her from escorting me to my lecture hall. Immediately after I emerged from the two towering oak doors of the hall piercing eyes followed me as if I were a intergalactic being.

Anxiety snaked it's way through my veins as I registered the pity contracted in their faces.

I didn't need their half-hearted pity. I didn't need anyone of them.

I walked up the stairs. Each step I took anxiety poisoned every fibre of my being and I began to rain. A shower of cold sweat enclosed my body but even that wasn't enough to stop the burning of my heart. The smoke diffused into the air becoming one with the surroundings. My heart yearned for that level of liberation. To be able to dissipate into the surroundings unknown to living.

But that was not my reality.

I took a seat on the 9th row placing my bags on the ground next to me. I knew I wasn't going to see my ex boyfriend anytime soon as he had a swim meet in another city. That soothed some of my nerves and allowed me to focus for the next hour and a half.

I put my hand up to answer a question only to be deterred by someone's voice saying " I'm surprised that she can still participate in class. Shouldn't she be trying to fix her crumbling relationship" the words carved cuts in my heart but I was never someone to back down from a challenge as my rival Xavier had put his hand up too to answer the question.

Since I put my hand up first my professor allowed me to voice my opinion clearly. A confident smile sprawled across my face as I recited my beautifully composed answer in mere seconds. I looked over at my rival who looked like he was at a loss for words. I mean what else could he possibly add to my answer.

The time went by quite rapidly but not without fueling my burning desire to snap back at the smug girl behind me who had so much to say.

I quickly spun around facing the girl who clearly knew so much about my relationship.

"You know for someone so insignificant I genuinely don't understand why you seem to think you have the right to judge my actions. Or have I accidentally forgotten that you are a higher power that going to judge me cause last time I checked your an ordinary, simple human. So instead of looking at my situation and assessing it so thoroughly I suggest you take your head out your ass and deal with your own situation."


Shame laced her face as a crimson shade airbrushed her skin. She nodded so intensely I was scared her head was going to fully decapitate from her neck. I have never seen anyone so eager to evacuate from my presence.

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