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Hi guys! In this chapter Kiara and Xavier get a little bit too close to each other. If u know what I mean! *Wink wink* anyway I'm not going to say to much because I don't want to spoil the rest of the chapter. But I hope you enjoy!

Me and Xavier stared at eachother and then back at our best friends.

"Kie!" Bea exclaimed as she quickly evacuated from Isaiah's lap. She whispered something in his ear and then dragged me by the arm into the kitchen.

"Ok I know this looks bad but I really do like him kie and I know I say that about a lot of guys but I think he's different and I know this is awkward for you considering he's your rivals best friend but just look at him. He's downright the hottest man I've ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on"

Bea paced back and forth nervous about my reaction.

She was so dumb

"BEA! I don't care if he makes you happy then I really don't care ok. Your allowed to have feelings and I don't want you to put a stop to something you feel is right for you. If he's what you want I support you fully. I mean you put up with my shitty ex boyfriend for two whole years so I kinda owe you one."

And with that she deflated into my arms

"I'm so relieved to hear you say that" Bea pushed out with the last bit of oxygen left in her lungs.

The next day rolled by pretty quickly but I seriously regretted getting absolutely wasted because Bea somehow managed to persuade me.

That girl really has a way with words

As I walked into college a familiar face jogged next to me

"Kiara can we talk for a second" Isaiah said a bit out of breath

"Sure what's up?"

"Well I just wanted to make sure you were good with me wanting to get to know Bea. Considering you and Xavier are not exactly the biggest fans of eachother"

"Isaiah I give you my full unnecessary permission to get to know my best friend. But I'm warning you now if you ever do anything to hurt my precious Bea I won't hesitate to do what I did to my ex to you but 10 times worse. Oh and If you think I won't be able to find any dirt on you just know I'm like a grade A stalker I have my sources."

A certain look of fear and admiration battled on Isaiah face as I walked away. Toying with people is always so exhilarating!

Lunchtime rolled by and I searched for Bea in the canteen. Surprise surprise she was sitting with Isaiah. I made my way over to them with a smile and as I was about to take my seat opposite them I was met with a frustrated face.

"Oh just go ahead and sit on my face darling" my rival retorted

"Just move your body dumbass this bench is made to accommodate 2 people"

He stayed there not willing to budge

"Come on Xavier! My entire livelihood is on the line here"

And with that Isaiah forced his unwavering best friend to sit upright leaving space for me to sit

"Thanks Isaiah" I said with a smile before taking my seat.

"Anytime you need me to beat him up real quick I'm always available"

"Well I guess kie would be calling you pretty much every second of the day" my best friend giggled

I brought out my lunch from my bag as I preferred bringing my own as cooking was one of my favourite hobbies. Today I decided on bringing my famous katsu curry. As I was about to dig in one of my chicken pieces mysteriously vanished. I looked beside me only to find it in the mouth of my rival

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