Chapter 2

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He was in there, the lights still on and the window open. Foolish, foolish man, making enemies of us was a stupid thing to do. Keeping his window open even more so. His back was to the window as he was doing his work behind his desk.

I backed away from the edge and observed the distance. It was quite the gap, but nothing I hadn't done before. I ran up to the edge and jumped. I grabbed onto the ledge of the window. I could have just jumped through the open window, but there wasn't enough room between the window and the seated man to land. So hanging onto the ledge it was. I hauled myself inside quietly, going unnoticed by the man. Good, I thought. It would be his downfall.

I walked up behind him and just stood there watching him.

Then I slit his throat. Clean and easy.

The man was dying before he even knew it. Choking on his own blood, calling for help.

Not that anyone would hear him. There was no one around. I had checked already.

"Be quiet, will you."

"Fuck you."

Wow real original. I huffed.

The man kept calling for help, gasping for air. I knocked him out with a hard punch to the temple. I left his unconscious body laying there to die.

I took a running start and jumped through the window, back to the platform. Too easy. It had been too easy.

I watched the man dying from the roof across, losing more blood by the minute. By the time I was sure that even an emergency blood transfusion couldn't save him, I left.

I made my way back through the city to headquarters. I stopped on a rooftop a few blocks away from HQ and looked down into the alley to see if anyone was there. No one. Perfect.

I scaled down the building and dropped to the ground. I checked around me and still no one to be seen. I made my way out of the alley and secured my hood over my head. I walked through the streets and blended in with the city's night life.

I entered HQ and greeted Carly – the receptionist – with a nod and made my way to the sixth floor to be debriefed. Not that there was much to say about the mission. It had been an easy mission, way below my clearance level, but I got assigned what I got assigned.

I got the debriefing out of the way and went to the seventh floor to meet up with whoever from my team was in at the moment.

Every team consisted of three duos and two hackers. One of the hackers would cover and erase any tracks from tonight. We normally only worked with a partner, but tonight's mission was a clean up after another team and it would be a waste to send two of us. So I went alone instead.

I put my hand against the hand scanner, which simultaneously scanned my fingerprints as well as my ring. Every member possessed a piece of jewellery with an unique tag in it. I wore mine in a silver ring.

The door opened for me and I walked through.

Carmine and Miles were talking at the conference table, while Radnor was sitting next to Sienna, who no doubt was already covering my tracks. Hong – the other hacker of the team – must be out for tonight then. I already knew Holly and Flanna were on a mission for the next few days.

"You're back. How'd it go?" Car – my partner – noticed me first. I wouldn't have expected otherwise.

I shrugged, "Way too easy."

She chuckled in response.

"No mission tonight, Miles?"

"Nah," he said. "You should ask Radnor to join you in the gym. I mean I presume you're gonna hit the gym after such a mission."

I mean he wasn't wrong. The mission had been easy and thus I could blow off some steam. "Yeah. Is he that annoying tonight?"

Miles snorted, "He's bored out of his mind." Miles smiled affectionately about his partner in crime.

It didn't surprise me really. He has always had a lot of energy and gets bored very easily. "I'll go save Sienna from him," I chuckled and walked over to Radnor and Sienna. He was going on about something, but I couldn't follow it enough to get a clue what he was talking about. Poor Sienna.

"Did you run into any problems?" I asked her.

"So far so good. There shouldn't be a lot of tracks to cover."

"Good to hear." Then I continued, "Rad, care to join me in the gym?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you in a bit."

Sienna shot me a grateful look. I patted her affectionately on the shoulder as I passed by her to the locker room.

I changed into shorts and a shirt. I walked inside our team's gym and started warming up. Soon Radnor walked in.

"You ready to get your ass kicked?"

Oh he was so cocky. "You wish," I laughed.

"It's on," he grinned.

We circled each other in the ring, looking for weaknesses. His style was much heavier on his feet, but he was stronger; his punches harder. I, on the contrary, was much lighter on my feet due to my parkour background.

He threw the first punch, but I tucked and rolled myself out of the way. He turned around quickly and threw a left hook, which I blocked.

We went at it for quite a while. Evenly matched and both not willing to give up. Breathing hard as we circled each other.

He'd gotten me good in the ribs and I received a blow to my eyebrow. He wasn't faring much better.

"I made breakfast. You guys coming or not?"

"Yeah, we'll be there in a minute."

Then I got socked in the jaw. My teeth rattling, I took a step back and rubbed my jaw. I eyed him. "Really, Rad?" I scowled at him. Then I kicked his feet from underneath him. I grinned down at him and held a hand out to haul him up. The bastard of course had to pull me down to get his revenge.

We brawled for a bit, before Sienna called for us again to come eat breakfast.

After showering, I eyed the cut on my eyebrow and cleaned it. My ribs would probably bruise.

We both walked out to the kitchen and joined the others for breakfast.

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