Chapter 9

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For the next few weeks I continued to hang out with Eliza. Zed and her weren't on the best terms, but at least they still talked.

I didn't like that the situation had come between them and I understood where they were both coming from, but I really hoped they would make up soon. Family was important and it would be sad if such thing caused a rift between them.

For a while I could remember what it was like to not drown. To breathe. It had been a long time since I had remembered what it was like.

Zed and Eliza luckily made up. He wasn't fond of our friendship, but he tolerated it.

I was over at her place a lot.

Zed came by regularly to visit her, so I saw him in passing a lot. I suspected it was to check that I was still behaving properly, or he might have just enjoyed spending time with Eliza.

We managed to stay civil, which was saying a lot.


"You have an accent. Where are you from?"

I had been talking to Eliza before and Zed had just walked in. She went to make some coffee for us.

I had been reading an email when he asked it. I looked up, "First of all, rude and you know I can't disclose personal details."

I returned my gaze to my email. They wanted me to handle some deals. The deals are not that difficult it seemed at first glance.

"You can't disclose personal details to a Haima or someone that doesn't know the lifestyle. But I'm neither of that. So you actually could."

"Fine. Then I could, but won't," I looked up and narrowed my eyes.

"Why not?" he pried.

He was fucking prying. The audacity.

I lifted my chin and looked him in the eyes, "You barely know me, Zedekiah. What makes you think you have any right to ask these questions."

"Woah, woah, easy, easy!" he put his hands up, signifying surrender. "Just asking a question," he mumbled.

I scowled, "Don't, just don't. Not about my past. I told you before that I have a past. And I'm not willing to uncomplicate it for you. So I suggest you back off," I growled. I glared at him, then I shifted my attention back to the email.

"I get that asking where you're from could be offensive, but I don't see what asking about your accent has to do with your past."

I never looked back up, "It doesn't matter."

"Ah c'mon."

I ignored him.

"Really? The ignoring," he laughed.

I shut him out.

"For real though. Why so secretive about your accent?"

I kept ignoring him.

"It's not that interesting."

"Then why are you asking about it?" I kept reading through the file attached to the email.

"Touché. Still, just tell me."






"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"


"Pretty, pretty plea—"

"Shut the fuck up!" I stood up and stalked to him, poking him in the chest. "Shut the fuck up, Zed. For fuck's sake!" I exclaimed, glaring at him.

"Pretty pre—"

"—Fine! Fine, just fucking shut up!"

He grinned smugly.

I wanted to deck him.

"So?" he dragged the word out.

I clenched my fists, gritting my teeth. "Lived abroad for some time, picked up the accent." I glared at him, trying to convey my pissed off mood. I pushed him away, just enough to put some distance between us. I stalked angrily off to the kitchen.

In the door frame, Eliza stood watching it all unfold.

I scowled and grabbed the mug she held out for me, mumbling a 'thanks'. I stalked off into the kitchen, sipping on my coffee angrily. "Fucking douche," I mumbled under my breath, cussing the fucker out with every choice word under the sun.


While I visited Eliza a lot, I spend the rest of my time freelancing and sparring with either Car, Rad, Flanna or anyone else on the team willing to spar.

There weren't a lot of missions, so sparring it was. Just because I didn't do a lot of missions at the moment, didn't mean I didn't give it my all. I was sporting some nasty bruises and a split lip from the other night. Not that Holly had walked away unscathed. Still, Eliza had been worried immediately at the sight of me, which was sweet but unnecessary. I had been in this business for a long time. If I didn't know how to take care of myself then I wouldn't still work there.

Zed had dropped by and annoyed me into answering one of his many, never-ending questions. He usually bothered me until I snapped and finally answered his question. If I really didn't want to or couldn't answer I just stormed off, but when I snapped or I could, I answered and then left to blow off some steam at HQ.

I pitied them by now for taking the brunt of Zed's bothering, except it was their work, so I didn't feel too guilty about it.

Zed somehow was always able to single me out, away from his sister. It was either to make me talk easier, to keep it from his sister, or to keep her from harm in case I snapped and got physical. Not that I had gotten physical with him, though there had been some close calls. Nor would I ever lay a hand on Eliza. She was my friend.

Zed however, I would have no problem with if I had to put him in his place.

Eliza was making drinks in the kitchen and had left me on my own at her balcony. I looked out over the city.

I heard the balcony door open. She approached me.

"Hey, what've you made?" I hummed.

"Sorry to disappoint, but you've got the wrong sibling."

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