Chapter Three // I...I Don't Even Know

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I was walking down a long corridor–something walking after me like a shadow.

I knew it wasn't a shadow because it was breathing down my neck.

But I couldn't turn around.

I had been told not to turn around–otherwise, I would have to go back, and I didn't want to go back.

"Sal," A voice whispered in my ear.

The breathing down my neck burned my skin as a growl emitted from the source–and I felt my bones shake as terror swelled from deep within me.

"Sally, everything is okay..." The voice hummed gently. "Just keep walking."

"But I'm so tired," My voice echoed around me without me actually wanting to say the words.

"I know–but you have to keep going...I can't lose you too."

A growl emitted from my shoulder as a sharp voice retorted, Damn the Fates and their games with love.

I-I know that voice.

I froze–everything in me telling me to turn.

Do not try to remember, The voice said in a low, ethereal voice. You will not remember, no matter how hard you try.

"Why?" I asked, my voice small.

Because–it is not time.

"Time for what?"

A hand pressed against my cheek, and I looked up into the familiar, glimmering, dark eyes of the boy I had strived to see for the last few months.

My heart clenched in my chest, "Ric?"

His forehead pressed to mine, and he whispered, "Don't give up."

And with that, pain erupted in my side–a white, hot agonizing feeling that made my knees buckle and my lungs close.

Give in, Sally, Kronos's voice swam in my head. But someone else's voice was echoing his. It was female, though. Give in.

I couldn't do that.

I couldn't.

I had to make it.

They needed me.

My breathing was ragged as I stared into the darkness before me–my lips twitching with a determined rage, "No."

With a painful breath with each step, I could just hear a voice whispering, urging me–

"I'm coming for you–just wait for me..."


I woke up–having my first paralysis episode in a long time, and no one was in the cabin, leaving me to deal with it myself.

Well, until Will came banging on my door and threw it open unceremoniously, "SAL?"

A small whimper came from my lips, and he spied me, his eyes growing wide as he rushed to my side, grabbing my rigid hand.

I could see the gears in his mind spinning as he took in my immobile state.

His eyes lifted to the ceiling before he intertwined our hands and started to hum a song in Ancient Greek.

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