Chapter Nine // Return of the Red Baron

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 Percy and I were both perched on the edge of couches in the Big House–both of us had sandwiches and apple juice in front of us too.

I had just finished telling about my visit with Persephone–including the part about her blessing, which Chiron was shocked about. I could tell that the blessing was a huge deal–but the centaur refused to say anything else about it.

Then Percy told us about his side of the story.

He was marooned on an island after the explosion, then Hephaestus found him and told him he could leave before a magical raft brought him back to camp.

But as he told the story–he would not look me in the eye.

And I knew he was hiding something.

What it was–I had no idea, but he was definitely trying to keep secrets from us.

But–I didn't say anything, instead just let Annabeth braid my hair nervously while I ate my PB & honey sandwich.

When Percy was finally done talking–and Annabeth had finished a crazily intricate braid down the back of my head, she said, "You've been gone two weeks. When I heard the explosion, I thought—"

I took her hand from where I sat on the floor–and she squeezed it like it was the last thing holding her to the ground–meaning I couldn't feel my fingers anymore.

"I know," Percy stopped her. "I'm sorry. But I figured out how to get through the Labyrinth. I talked to Hephaestus."

I raised a brow at my brother, who still hadn't looked at me.

"He told you the answer?" Annabeth asked.

"Well, he sort of told me that I already knew. And I do. I understand now."

Then he told us his brilliant plan.

I lifted my hand as if asking a question in class, "Sooooooo...what kind of crack are you on?"

"Percy, that's crazy!" Annabeth shouted behind me.

Chiron stroked his beard in his wheelchair, shrugging slightly, "There is precedent, however. Theseus had the help of Ariadne. Harriet Tubman, daughter of Hermes, used many mortals on her Underground Railroad for just this reason."

"But this is my quest," Annabeth argued. "I need to lead it."

Chiron looked uncomfortable as he looked at her warily, "My dear, it is your quest. But you need help."

"And this is supposed to help? Please! It's wrong. It's cowardly. It's—"

"Hard to admit we need a mortal's help," Percy interrupted her. "But it's true."

Annabeth glowered at him for a long moment before she hissed, "You are the single most annoying person I have ever met!"

She dropped my hand and stomped from the room, slamming the door as she went.

I sighed, "Greaaatttttt. Been here for all of an hour, and Annabeth's already pissed. Nice one, Percy."

"So much for being the bravest friend she's ever had..." My brother muttered.

I furrowed my brows, "When did she say that?"

"During our shroud burning...I walked up when she said that..." My brother stared at his shoes–looking pissed.

"Wait, she said that about you?"

Finally, my brother lifted his sea-green eyes and gave me an incredulous look, "Why is that so shocking?"

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