Chapter Fourteen // Hard Times (gonna make you wonder why you even try)

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 The silence surrounding me was so loud as Rachel got us back to Time Square.

Everyone now knew that I kept what little information I had about my mom from them.

And honestly–I wouldn't be shocked if Percy was upset with Annabeth or me–but with the glances Rachel was giving me, I knew she would have words with whoever tried to give me shit.

The sun was too bright as we made it out of the Marriott and into the crowded streets of Manhattan.

Percy took the lead and got us into an alley before whistling as loud as he could six times.

It wasn't long before the forms of some familiar creatures descended from the sky and landed in the alley.

"They're beautiful!" Rachel exclaimed from my side.

Blackjack cantered up to me, nuzzling my face with his, Yo, bossette! You're not dead! I was getting worried about not getting my donuts!

With the heaviness and tension that surrounded me, I let myself take comfort in the pegasus's bright attitude, "I'm okay, Blackjack." I glanced at Percy, watching us before I whispered, "Do you mind giving us a ride to camp?"

That's my specialty! Then he saw Tyson and the di Angelo brothers. Oh man, you got that Cyclops and the death kids with you? Yo, Guido! How's your back holding up?

I convinced Guido to bear with us–knowing the trip wouldn't take that long–and we all moved to start saddling up when Rachel said, "Well, I guess this is it."

I smiled wanly at her, "See you around, Lizzie."

She hugged me abruptly, and I stiffened before relaxing and hugging her back–it felt right.

Maybe Rachel and I would be friends–it might be a bit, but I'm sure it would happen after all this.

"If you need someone to talk to them–about your mom–let me know," She whispered.

I nodded, "Let me know if you have any more dreams, okay? And if you just wanna hang out..."

She pulled away, giving me a hopeful grin, "I'd like that."

I held up my fist–offering her a fistbump, which she returned before I turned to Nesquik–having let Percy take Blackjack this time.

Rachel moved over to my brother, and I watched them talk–and when I blinked, all of a sudden–Percy was looking at me, understanding overcoming his features.

Thanks, Lizzie.

I felt some tension leave my body, but it just doubled when Ric came up behind me and said, "You okay?"

I pinched my lips, not looking at him, "Fine."

"Sal, about what Pan said—"

"I didn't know till today. I also am having some memory problems right now, so it's not like I could have remembered it anyways."

Ric grabbed my elbow, turning me to him, "I wasn't gonna say anything about that. That can be dealt with when the time comes–I meant, are you okay after what he said? About getting answers, you're looking for and about the war?"

I stared up at him before simply dropping my chin to my chest and leaning forward slightly into his chest.

Ric wrapped his arms around me, and in Italian, he whispered, "Andrà tutto bene..." ("Everything is gonna be okay...")

I understood what he said–another thing I didn't understand.

And according to Pan, I was going to find out soon why.

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