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Name: Allister "Drago" Belmont

Species: X - class vampire

age 17

personality: Quite, cool headed, romantic, poet, cold (to his enemy's) , kind (to his friends)

likes: Reading, classical music, his girls, his mentors, honest people, people who tell the truth, blood wine, his Parents

dislikes: Liars, bullies, Jerks, people who pick on the weak, thieves, killers, rapists, those who talk bad about other races/species


Dark Magic: Although Allister can more than hold his own physically, it is magically where he is truly dangerous. Like his father, Allister can use many types of dark magic, it can be said that his powers is at least ½ of what Dracula's is, since Dracula trained him personally. He mastered most of Dracula's own attacks, such as Hellfire, Dark Metamorphosis, Tetra Spirit and Soul Steal.

Super speed:  can run faster than a bullet

 Super Strength: Like most vampires, Alister possesses strength far beyond a normal human.

Superhuman senses: Due to his vampire heritage, his sense of smell is very keen, being able to discern even a person's heritage and clan connection just from the scent of their blood. 


self- healing.

 Immune to holy water/ regular water, crosses and garlic, 

background: Allister was born form Dracula and Maria under a blood full moon he was trained by his father at the age of ten in hand to hand combat learning many skills also from books and videos. His father also taught him many other skills and taught him to never show fear to a opponent He learned history, music , and more form his mother who raised him to be smart and kind and treat others with respect. At the age of thirteen he went on to fight stronger monsters that were stronger then him from other vampire, werewolves, phantoms hell he even went up against both daughters of Sparda. Each one stronger then the last until he went up against a x-class monster a dragon who he beat after suffering a few cuts but managed to defeat it and was labeled a X-class monster.

How does one become a X- class monster and what is it you ask? X-Class Yokai are a very rare form of Yokai, that consist of only a few forms. Monsters of this rank are considered to be the strongest form of Yokai in the world. X-class in only for the most part. Individuals from different classes can be considered X-class, like many demons and magicians can be considered X-class. In order for a Yokai species to become X-Class, a member of a one kind of species must defeat another member in a fair fight in a battle of powers. If one defeats an X-Class Yokai in such a fight, then that species will be considered to be among the X-Class beasts. some in which from the following

X-Class Monsters

Mummies - undead who have to sustain a form of curse, and they gain immortality, and powers of the desert.

Guyver - alien who have to transform into armored clan superhero and powers of a experiment.

Wraiths - elemental human souls that wander the earth until they are to be judged in the afterlife.

Lich - humans who sold their soul to demonic forces, turning them into skeletal monstrosities with sinister, evil powers.

Titan- elemental giants who possess immense physical and magical powers, and are only capable of being killed by another Titan, or a human.

Rainbow Serpents - large, divine, reptillian creatures, who can control the forces of rain, and storms.

Nightwalker - formless demons, which often resemble large humanoid beings made out of pure darkness, with the power to drain life simply by touching another creature.

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