Chapter 2

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Angela's Perspective

Angela had never seen Tim like this before. When Isabel got shot in the head, Tim was more collected. More prepared. With Isabel's lifestyle, perhaps he had already readied himself for that eventuality.

When Lucy was taken the first time, he was scared, rattled, but he was also still hopeful. He knew the team was working together to find her. He knew he himself was doing all he could to find her. He was also just her T.O. then.

Angela knew what he was experiencing. It was just like the time Wesley was stabbed by Oscar. She hadn't expected it so there was no preparation - just shock. Like Lucy, Wesley wasn't just a friend. Wesley was already occupying a big part of her life. He represented all her love, her hopes, and her dreams for the future. And she felt helpless.

But she saw something else in his face. Regret. Why regret?

They rode in the back of Nolan's shop on the way to the hospital. Angela had some wipes in her purse for when Jack needed them — they came in handy now as Tim wiped the blood off his hands. His face was ashen. When his hands started to shake, Angela laid a gentle hand on his arm to help ground him. It was difficult to see Tim this way. Tim had always been unflappable.

"Do you have a plastic bag for some garbage, Nolan?" Angela asked.

Nolan handed her a plastic evidence bag. She opened it and motioned for Tim to put the used wipes in there.

Celina followed close behind them in Angela's car. Prior to leaving, Tim had turned over all his gear and assault weapons. Grey knew there was no way Tim was going back to complete his shift.

As they made their way to the hospital, everyone stayed mostly silent. Everyone loved Lucy in that shop and had their own thoughts. Tim was constantly leaning forward and putting his hands to his face.

When they got to the hospital, the three of them rushed to the registration area to find out about Lucy's status. Celina followed closely behind them.

"I'm Detective Lopez. We need to find out about Lucy Chen; she's the off-duty officer who was brought in from the convenience store hold up," Angela told the person at the desk, her voice firm with authority. Just in case, she also flashed her badge.

"I'll find out," the nurse at the desk replied, picking up the phone.

Nolan stood a few steps back, respectful of Tim's status in Lucy's life. Tim looked on with a fearful expression on his face.

"She's still alive. They rushed her through trauma and straight into surgery," the nurse reported. Angela, who had her hand on Tim's back the whole time, felt his relief. There was hope.

"She lost a lot of blood, but the surgeons are taking good care of her. Are you her next of kin?" she asked Angela.

Tim cleared his throat. "I am her partner and I have her legal power of attorney. I have digital copies."

"I'll bring you to the waiting room. There's some forms you'll have to fill out."

Tim nodded wordlessly and followed the nurse in a daze.

When they were seated and settled with the clipboard and a pen, Tim began filling out the forms. He paused. "I need to tell Tam and Lucy's parents."

"Finish the forms, then call Tamara. I'll call Lucy's parents now," Angela decided.

"Lopez," Nolan interjected. "If it's alright, I can call them. I met them during graduation. They might still remember me."

Angela nodded. "That works. Thanks, Nolan." Nolan stood, pulled his phone, and made his way to the little outdoor area.

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