Even more trouble!

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The next couple of weeks have been a nightmare for poor Emily! She has been focusing so much on her dances, that she had test week the following week! So she completely forgot to study! In every single test, she left at maximum half of her test without an answer! She didn't want to know her scores! Now that she was living with her mum for the next week, she didn't dare to tell her anything! If she was living with her dad, she knew that he wouldn't really care, he just cared about her GCSE's and her Alevels. That's all.

The following day, was the ACTUAL performance! When Emily arrived, she found out that her costume wasn't anywhere near being ready! And the performance started in 2 hours! Which made her have even MORE stress! There were so many things going on in her mind. Poor Emily.

While they were doing a run through, Emily got shouted at because she want in costume. She tried to explain it to Madame Sylvia but she just wouldn't buy it!

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