Chapter 10: Hit and Run

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Bucky and I wait in the jet. I get it ready for take-off, and Bucky kisses me just before Steve walks in. We take off, and the three of us promise our team that we will come back for them. Hope gives Scott orange slices, and they escape before anyone even knows they're gone. I'm piloting the plane with Sam, Rhodey, and Tony following us. Vision hits Rhodey accidentally. I leave my illusion with autopilot and go down to heal Rhodes while Tony has his eyes closed. Plus, it helps that I'm invisible. I rush back to my illusion.

"What's gonna happen, Doll?"

"Whatever it is—we'll deal with it. Bucky don't—if you're not, then I'm not either. It's my fault that the words still affect me, and it's my fault you turned into Winter again."

"What you guys did all those years. It wasn't you. Neither of you had a choice."

"Yeah, we know."

"But, Stevie, we still did it.

 —We're here now."

"He can't have been here more than a few hours."

"Long enough to 'kill them.'"

"What do you mean, Doll?"

"I left illusions of them to make it more real for him."


Bucky and I lead Steve down the hallways on the path we used to go every single goddamn day. We hear a bang behind us.

"Tony," I whisper. "Put down your weapons. He's here as a friend."

"Genny, I'm so sorry. For the boys, the babies, and especially mistrusting you."

"You're forgiven. But I need you to play along, okay?" I whisper to him so neither of the guys hear me.

"You got it, Gen."

T'Challa, I know you're here.

Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I realize now that it was not the two of you.

Finally. Thanks! I'll see you later.


"I detect heat signatures."

"How many?"

"Uh, one."

We walk in and the lights turn on. I gasp before screaming in horror.


"If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep."


"Did you really think I wanted more of you?"

Tony, I need you to pretend you didn't know that I was there that night.

Okay. Do I have to fight you three?

No. Just me until Steve sticks in for me then I'll get Bucky back to the jet.

Got it.

"What the hell?" Bucky mutters.

"I'm grateful to them, though. They brought you here. Please, Captain, the Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets."

"I'm betting I could beat that."

"Oh, I'm sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came."

"You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?"

"I've thought about nothing else for over a year."

"I'm sorry—truly, I am. I tried to save everyone, but I didn't quite make that goal."

"I lost everyone. And so will you."

16 декабря 1991 г. (16 December 1991)

"An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead. Forever."

"I know that road. What is this?"

I look away as the scene plays out yet again.

I walk to the driver side first while Winter gets the serum. Howard crawls out of the car.

"Help my wife. Please. Help — Lady?"

"Howard!" Maria screams as I punch in my best friend/father-in-law's face. "Howard!"

I'm sorry, Tony.

I must be really good if you feel the need to apologize. This must have been torture for you to go through even just once, but having to relive it

I stick Howard's body back in the car and go around to the passenger side. I choke the life out of Maria.

Steve watches Tony, terrified of his next move.

"Gracie, why didn't you tell me?"

"He didn't even know!? You plotting bitch! All these years, and you never—never—URGH!!!"

We fight. Steve steps in,and Bucky and I head back to the quinjet. I tell Steve to hurry up.

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