Chapter 4: Was Pregnant

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Seven Months Later

Olen nüüd kaks ööd ühendis tagasi olnud, sest laps võib igal ajal tulla. Keegi ei tuvasta erinevust peale minu käitumise, kuid nad lihtsalt süüdistavad seda meeleolumuutustes. Ronin ja mina oleme nüüd alistanud Vene maffia, Mehhiko kartelli, Itaalia maffia, Prantsuse vastupanuliikumise, Inglise maffia ja Brasiilia kuritegeliku jõu. Järgmisena plaanime tegeleda nii endiste NSV Liidu riikide kui ka Lõuna-Ameerikaga. Pärast seda Euroopa ja Aafrika, siis Austraalia ja lõpuks Jaapan. (I have been back at the compound for two nights now because the baby could come at any time. Nobody detected a difference aside from my behavior, but they put it on the mood swings. Ronin and I have now defeated the Mexican cartel, Italian mafia, French Resistance, English mafia, and Brazil's crime force. We're going to tackle the former USSR countries as well as South America next. After that, Europe and Africa, then Australia and finally Japan)

"Honey, are you okay?"


"You just seem really lost in thought, Gen."

"Oh — Sorry."

"No, that's understandable. Babe —Babe, are you okay?"

"Малыш идет!" (The baby is coming!)


"Das Baby kommt!" (The baby is coming!)

"Je suis désolé, quoi?" (I'm sorry, what?)

"Le bébé arrive, idiot!" (The baby is coming, you idiot!)

"Oh! Let's go. Steve, Nat, Rhodes! Baby time! FRIDAY?"

I've got it covered, boss.

Me jõuame haiglasse; ja pärast peaaegu iga minu tuttava keele vahetamist (vaese arsti segadusse ajamine) on sündinud Morgan Howard Stark. [We get to the hospital; and, after switching between every single language I know (confusing the poor doctor), Morgan Howard Stark is born)

"She's so beautiful, Gen. Just like you."

"She really is. I think I'd like to sleep now."

"Oh, of course. Come on, you guys."

They leave, and I bring back my dear friend who now has to get back to work portraying me. Don't worry, she is being paid very handsomely.

"Ronin, au sa lesu tale mai!" (Ronin! I'm back!)

"Ei, Kimi! Sa vakaevei tiko na gonelailai?" (Hey, Kim! How's the baby?)

"Totoka. Ia, lako mai. Ena vanua o Bokoci—vinaka me yadravi." (Beautiful. Now, come on. Yugoslavia—better watch out)

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