Chapter 5: My Boys

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I head to Mother's quarters and knock once I arrive.

"Come in. Oh, Isi. Hello, dear."


"What's wrong, dear?"

"I just feel bad for what happened in Korea, and I also have something to ask of you."

"Korea. That was well-justified, but I understand. What usually helps you feel better?"

"My boys."

"Ah, I see. Which ones?"

"Well, all of them, but I did promise my sons a visit. Would it be all right if I brought them here?"

"Of course. We'd all love to meet them."

"Thank you, Mother."

"Anytime, sithandwa sam." (my darling)

I get to my quarters and change from my combat suit to one of my royal outfits. I open a portal to Peter. He looks up in shock.

"Mom? How—Is—Are you—"

"Hi, Pete. I had a super soldier serum mixed with a bit of liquid from a yellow stone that gave me powers. Hydra and the Red Room also experimented on me sometimes. Yes, that's my brother. And, yes, I am carrying babies at the moment."

"Wow, okay, um—what are—what are you doing here?"

"One second. May! Are you here?"

"Peter, who is—Oh my gosh! Ahhh! Elizabeth, it's so good to see you! How have you been?"

"Good, yeah. How are you? Everything good?"

"Yeah. So, Peter—"

"Knows. Is it—"

"Of course. As long as—"

"Right across the hall, and—"


"Oh, yeah. Should we—"

"Woah! Wait! Hold on. Were you guys—"

"Best friends," we say together.

"Peter, would you like to meet my adoptive family and move in with your dad? Don't worry, you can do both if you want. We'll probably visit my family for a few weeks then come back, and we can get you all moved in then."

"I'd love to if—"

"I'll be there, too, Peter."

"On the trip?"

"No, no. At the compound."

"Got it. Okay, Mom."

"Yeah? Let's get your brother. I'll tell you both about myself."

"Sounds good."

Harley quickly agrees to my proposition, and we go to the Compound before we head to Wakanda.

"Tony!" I yell once we're close to the lab.

"Pietro, stop changing FRIDAY's voice to Adelaide. Wait—Genny? Babe, I thought—"

"I know, love. I'm here. Sh, it's okay. I thought we'd drop in before heading to Wakanda."

"We? Terminator's here?"

"No and stop calling him that. Boys!"

"Yes, Mom? Oh—uh—hi, Dad," they both sputter.


"Honey, the boys are moving in. May is as well."

"Ooh, Happy will love that."

"Oh, hush. But first, we're going to visit Wakanda."

"Sounds like fun. Don't go crazy boys, and make sure to protect your mother. She is very important. And oh! She's carrying your cousins."

"Sure thing."

"Yeah, Dad. Got it."

"Bye, my love."

"Bye, Gen."

"Let's go, boys."

I take us to the hangar. Cobra is ready and waiting for us.

"Guys, this is my very own quinjet. I made it myself back in 1986. You two weren't even a twinkle in my eye then. Don't worry, it's been fully restored and is very advanced all things considered. Now then, I am known as Adelaide Grace (Rogers) Barnes, Elizabeth Jones/Stark, Viper, Madame Summer, Renata Stone, Nkosazana Isilumkile Iirozi Igorha Udaku of Wakanda, or any rendition of those names. Now, I know that's a lot, but you don't have to worry about remembering all that. You two lucky boys just get to call me Mom, huh?"

"Yeah, wow! No way I'm remembering all that. Har?"

"That's cool! I mean, you're like—six different people all in one Mom," he replies while counting on his fingers.

"Not sold separately," I joke, and we all laugh.

We land on top of the palace in Wakanda after many stories and hours later. I turn to my boys.

"You both have different names and titles here as well. Peter, you are Iliwa Unyana Wesandla Sokunene Umgcini Wepaki Udaku-Nkqi, Inkosana of Wakanda. Harley, you are Idlelo Lomvundla Umgcini Ubukhali Udaku-Nkqi, Inkosana of Wakanda."

"Wow!" they exclaim.

"So, you should be referred to as inkosana yam or Ukuphakama kwakho. If you are not called as such, there are consequences unless you specifically tell someone to call you otherwise. I'll teach you guys basic phrases; and, when I'm unavailable, my sister Shuri is prepared to accompany you both. She will be back in a few days as she is currently in California starting an outreach program. Now, don't worry, almost everyone can speak English, but I just want you to know some of the language and to always have an itoliki. Ready?"

"Sure, mama."

"Good. Okoye!"

"Jikelele. Ngoonyana bakho aba?" (General. Are these your sons?)

"Ewe. Okoye, dibana Iliwa kunye Idlelo." (Yes. Okoye, meet Peter and Harley)

"Iinkosana zam," she says bowing. "Iiwonga ukudibana nawe ekugqibeleni." (My princes, it's an honor to finally meet you)

"Ngokunjalo," they reply. (Likewise)

"Okoye is a Dora Milaje."

"I serve directly under your mother. She is our general."


"Right now, my orders are to take you to meet the queen mother."

"Lead the way."

"Kumkanikazi, ndovumele ndibonise abazukulwana bakho." (My queen, allow me to present your grandchildren)

"Ah. So good to finally meet you both. Let me show them around, Isi."

"Kanjalo, mama. Okoye kwaye kuninzi ekufuneka sikuxoxe." (Of course, mother, Okoye and I have much to discuss)

"Qhubeka, mntwanam." (Proceed, my child)

"See you later, boys."

"Molo, mama!" (Bye, mom)

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