The sun scorched down on the struggling survivors but still all sexy ass hoes as they walked the train tracks. Louis still strutting his shit like a model.
"We need more supplies. We should stop in the town before we keep going who knows how long before we'll see another." Glenn said as the track passed right next to a old abandoned town.
"Did we not just get more food?" Joel asked.
"We did but the stoned retards got the munchies and ate all our shit." Brenda said eying dais, Ellie, and Layne who all had red ass eyes and were stoned as fuck.
"Where do they get all this marijuana?" Joel asked.
"Well you see there's a special little bag Right there that dais spawned in with and it has all the marijuana and physcdelics you can think of. You want it. You get it. And whatever you need to use it." Louis explained as he ate a brownie with a lil bit of shrooms in it.
"Ok no one eat any food out of the bag unless you wanna get fucked up!" Daryl warned.
Dais sneakily handed Joel half of a brownie as he had been eying the bag since hearing what was in it. Layne, Ellie, Brenda, and testicles all got halves of brownies too.
"If shit goes down I'm not saving your asses." Daryl states as they all started walking towards the town.
Everything was going alright the big group had split up to cover as much ground as possible.
Group 1: Joel, Layne, Brenda, Glenn
Group 2: testicles, Ellie, Dais, Dina Papi, Louis
Group 3: michonne, testicles grandma, Daryl
Group 1
Glenn led the other three through some buildings as the shrooms was kicking in. The euphoria was hitting.
"I found some chef Boydee!" Brenda said with a huge smile, excitedly holding it up for the others to see.
"Fuck yeah!" Joel said with a huge smile stealing it outa brendas hold and Brenda proceeded to smack him up side the head.
"Don't steal my chef boydee." Brenda glared at him.
"It's for Ellie." Joel said putting it into his bag, and Brenda sighed.
"Fine. Although, We should visit the trap houses on the out skirt of town. find us some coke." Brenda suggested as she skipped through a doorway.
"Is the shrooms not enough?" Glenn asked.
"With Brenda it's never enough." Layne said with a big smile as he skipped along with Brenda. Then Joel skipped past winking at Glenn who was getting all the food put in the cupboards.
"Ya think we could find a dildo in here?"Brenda asked as she searched some drawers while dancing to some music she was hearing in her head.
"Probably if we look in the bedroom." Layne said and Joel just started laughing his ass off along with Layne.
"He looks so beautiful with the way the lighting is in here." Layne said as he watched Joel search a cabinet for food finding some snacks.
"I know, it's like the shrooms made him that much more handsome." Brenda said also watching him.
Layne was convinced he could read Joel's mind as he Was hearing his voice in his head. Also everything Joel was laughing at Layne was too; and it was like Joel hadn't stopped laughing at shit since the come up. Also Colors were starting to get more intense.
They moved on searching the next house, Glenn and Brenda checked the bedroom while Layne followed Joel to check the kitchen.
"What's the point of having a kitchen if your not gonna have nothing." Joel complained as he searched the cupboards. "Look we can eat rat shit." Joel said pointing to the rat shit in the cupboards making them both laugh.