-part one-

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SUP I AM THE ONE, AND ONLY, CRINGE ASS DRAGONGAMERBME!!! Welcome! before I start this story, I will ALWAYS put TW's before the story begins, so you will be warned if anything like body horror or gore shows up; SECOND, I am only writing this to get out some energy, so I might not update often!! That's all :] - DRAGONGAMERBME

TW: swearing

You look down at the crumbling sidewalk as you make your way towards work. Though there was barely ever any customers-and you didn't really get paid-you were still supposed to come in everyday, according to Peppino. Though it got boring sometimes, you found ways to keep yourself somewhat occupied. Sometimes Peppino would find you on your phone, or drawing during work hours, but the only real punishment he could give you was extra work hours-which you spent sleeping.

Today, you were being called to work for 'slacking off' which, at this point, was everyday. You fumbled around in your pocket, trying to grab your phone and wireless headphones. If Peppino was going to lecture you-and there was a high chance he was-you weren't going to listen. Your anxious ass couldn't listen to people yell at you for very long. It brought back bad memories from home and school.

Then again, it kinda was your fault you hadn't told Peppino about your ADHD issues. You became lost in thought as you wondered down the road when you heard people across the street from the pizza place talking about the tower.

Though you had no particular interest involving the tower, you couldn't help but lean in and listen to what these people were saying.

"Did you hear? Some people say that Peppino took the whole tower down himself!" One man whispered, his words slurring.

"Yeah right, like that fatass Italian can take down a tower. Have you seen the guy? He's a fuckin mess!" Another man shouted.

"Yea, how could a guy like that take down something so large?"

You'd heard enough when they'd started insulting Pep. Sure, you didn't have the best relationship with your boss, but it was downright rude to insult him. At least you'd known his background-unlike those scumbags. Obviously, they hadn't known shit about Pep. You head for the doors of the Pizza place, and walk inside.


The rest of the day goes by in a blur, mostly because the customers were scarce; Though this was a seemingly average day for you. Though, what was odd is that Peppino seemed to be acting up. His eyes seemed to dart around wildly, as if he were expecting something to happen. It started affecting you, as you started to overthink everything.

Who could it be?

Is the health inspector coming?

Was Mr.Stick coming to collect the rent money for the restaurant?

You sat thinking of all sorts of off the wall things until you heard the startled scream of Peppino. Your head snapped up, and your eyes darted wildly for the door.

"Ey, Peppenis, how you been?" You heard an odd voice call out.

"Oi vey, here-a we go again." You heard Peppino mutter under his breath. "What is it-a, Noise?"

Your eyes finally settled on a smaller, odd man wearing what looked like a bunny eared chef hat, in a piss yellow color-he had clothes with the same color, and an orange-yellow cape to go along with the whole scheme.

"The fuck is that costume man" You say, sounding meaner than you'd wanted.

"what's it to you, Grey-Face?" Noise retorted.

You rolled your eyes as Peppino chimed in saying, "What is it-a now, Noise?" He sounded tired-as if this was a daily for him. Which was odd, considering you'd worked there for two months and hadn't noticed this guy ever.

"Well, I was walkin' by when I'd seen your restaurant! I'm surprised you still run this dump-And I'm surprised anyone wanted to work for ya."

You felt heat rush to your face as your brows furrowed. "Watch your mouth bunny boy. He may be an anxious mess sometimes but that doesn't mean you gotta insult me too."

Noise rolled his eyes. "Whatever toots. Anyways, before I go.." He started reaching around in is pockets, "HAVE A DYNOMITE WEEK!!" He suddenly threw a stick of dynamite towards Peppino, who'd parried it towards Noise. Noise yelped, and dodged by a hair as the explosive flew into he street, finally exploding on impact.

The Noise fled soon after seeing the destruction, while you simply stared at Pep. You'd never known he could parry like that.. or even parry to begin with.

"uh.." you said quietly, "you...you uh..okay there..P-Peppino?" You cursed at yourself for stuttering.

Peppino stood there quietly for a moment, before sighing. "yea. I'm-a fine."

He turned to face you, before finally heading into the back. "I need to grab some Pizza Boxes. Be right-a back."

You felt your mind race as you waited for Peppino to return.

Who the fuck was that?

How did they know Peppino?

Why the hell were they wearing a weird ass bunny costume..?

It all circled around in your mind, causing you to get a massive migraine. You groan before setting your head down on the counter.

Whatever the reason, now you were completely invested in the decaying tower atop the hill. What secrets had Pep been hiding from you? Had he lied to you when you'd asked him about the Tower? Was he really the guy that took down the tower two years ago?

You lift your head to face the window towards the tower. You can't see much, contrary to your shit eyesight, but you can make out a black blotch moving abroad, possibly on the hunt for something. Before you can really see what exactly it was, Peppino walked into the room. 

"I'm-a back.. You ok? You seem Like-a your spacing out.." Peppino said, as he tapped your shoulder.

"Wuh-? I uh..yeah I'm fine just..wondering about..stuff..?" You tried to mask your curiosity. It wasn't working. "I just..was..well wondering..about uh.." You kept stuttering, and Peppino started to get annoyed.

"what? what were you-a wondering about?" Peppino finally questioned.

You were quiet for a moment, before you finally spilled over.


Peppino started at you for a moment, occasionally blinking in confusion.

"..That's..uh.." Your boss mumbled-He sounded really confused.. "You mind repeating that, but a little slower this time?"

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