- Part 5 -

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when the fucking thing lunged, all you could do was be stunned as it hit you with it's tongue. It was sent crashing into a wall, and you had still stood there. It took your brain a moment to process that you had been hit, and pain gradually built up on your arm. Warm liquid poured from your now bleeding wound, and now you started running the other direction. Though, there was barely anywhere to run.

you looked behind you, and whatever just attacked you was now chasing you, it's mouth smothered with your blood. You gasped and tried to run faster, ducking and dodging through any small crevices that blocked your path. You'd been looking behind you when you'd heard a noise in front of you. in a reaction, you'd skid and fell as you quickly slowed then started running again. Multiple Peppino's had emerged from the wall, most missing limbs or eyes.

the squelching noises they'd made as they advanced made you want to puke. The smell wasn't a help either. It had become so loud and overwhelming, you hadn't noticed your eyes flood with tears.

Your limbs ached and your head throbbed as you felt yourself slow a little. It had made you feel hopeless, until.. they stopped.

something had stopped them in their tracks, though you kept advancing to make sure that you'd escaped them. After a few more feet, you completely stopped to catch your breath. Your lungs burned, and that burn had gone up to your throat, making it harder to breathe.

You'd let yourself fall onto your knees, and you'd looked back, only now having your brain register your arms pain, and the fact that the gooppinos had stopped. They'd all watched you, unblinking. It was.. fucking creepy.

you'd struggled back up before yelling, "yeah! that's right you.. you fucking goopy.. fucks!.." you'd still been trying to catch your breath, so you'd struggled saying that sentence a bit.

They'd all looked behind you, causing you to kind of freeze. they weren't scared of you. they were scared of what was beyond you. Though, it was just.. a black and purple darkness, with a few broken purple TV's here and there.

You'd swallowed hard, now realizing that either way, you were probably screwed. though, you trusted the mysterious hallway more than you did the horde of gooppinos.


you had been walking for what had felt like.. hours. It was insanely difficult to see, both irritating and unsettling you. You felt like you were being watched, like you were being followed; But that could pass as paranoia, right?

your feet had begun to hurt, and you felt like complaining, so you'd sat down on the hard stone floor, taking off your backpack as you did.

"what the hell have I gotten myself into.." you asked yourself for the hundredth time.

a sudden, intrigued yet suspicious sound came from behind you, making your stomach turn. you thought that the horde of goopinos hadn't followed you-they shouldn't have, right?

you looked behind you, and you'd seen another, weird, goopy version of your boss. though, it was wearing a polka dot tank-top, and polka dot chef hat. It stuck its tongue out at you, and drew closer. it had bent down and started walking on all fours, like a dog.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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