- part 3 -

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As you walked home, the chilly air sent a shiver down your spine. You'd done it so many times already, it was like clockwork. End shift at work, walk home, feel like you're being followed, then you'd fall asleep (in your work clothes). Though the feeling of being followed was paranoia.

As you walked into your room, you'd taken off your work top, revealing a white tank top underneath. You stretched, and sat on your floor. Your legs were crisscrossed, and you'd had your phone in your hands.

You scrolled through your DM's, and surprisingly, you'd received one from F/n (friend name). You hadn't talked to them since you'd dropped out.. you wondered why they'd texted you in the first place. You'd felt heat rush to your face, and you'd become enraged. How dare they just think they could waltz back into your life? After all these years they thought they could just appear again? You let out a sigh of annoyance as you'd opened up the DM.

surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as you'd thought it'd be. It was just them checking up on you, and seeing if you'd wanted to hang out sometime.

Hey Y/n. it's.. been awhile. how've you been? schools been tough for me, but I've attempted to pull through. I heard you got a job at a pizza place..! Maybe we could hang out sometime there-if your cool with it. I... I know you might not be happy with me not being there for you during the dropout..but.. just know I'm here to talk-

ttyl, F/n.

You felt small tears well in your eyes as you read the message. You suddenly felt a little bad for being mad at them. They'd just wanted to chill sometime..

That'd given you an idea.

sup F/n. it's cool. And yea I'd love to chill sometime with you. I've uh.. barely been holdin' up with everything. But I was wondering if instead of hanging out at my work-because that'd be lame-we should go explore the tower rubble. I'm free tomorrow, if you can.

your favorite bitch, Y/n.

You felt a little silly for adding the 'your favorite bitch' part but that's how you used to act around them.

As you slipped into your bed, your eyes instantly fluttered shut, and you felt your body become limp. It was both a relaxing and terrifying thing.. but you'd grown used to it.

Tomorrow was the day you'd explore the rubble.


You wasted no time packing a small bag with water, and small snacks. You wanted to go out and see the unknown-the unknown being the talk of the town-and you were excited, to say the least.

as you approached your work, you'd seen F/n. They were talking to the weird bunny man from yesterday... huh. For a moment, you were shocked, then you felt a little betrayed. you shook off the feeling and approached F/n quicker. 

"Oh," The Noise said. "If it isn't toots!"

"Shut the hell up." you said bluntly, as you rolled your eyes. "F/n, you ready to go?"

F/n nodded their head, and they'd looked over to The Noise. "all right boss, I've got some stuff to do with Y/n, but I promise I'll be on set tonight!"




You chuckled nervously, and flashed an angry smile at Noise, before you'd shaken his gloved hand.

"Yep.. I promise I'll return them safe. and. sound." You slightly grit your teeth as the words escaped your mouth, it felt wrong.

F/n gave The Noise a friendly nod, and the bunny man seemed to calm a little. "all right. fine; See you 'round toots~!"

You couldn't help but feel heat rush to your face as many thoughts filled your mind. You were beyond angry at his statement-and you didn't know why he kept calling you 'toots'. seriously, you'd thought the guy was a massive creep.

Though, what hurt most as you started heading off to the tower debis, is the fact that F/n worked for the guy. How had you never run into them-at least by accident, while working?.. had you just not noticed them? A knot formed in your stomach as you walked slightly uncomfortably up the mountain.

"Hey," F/n started, "you ok? Does my boss make you angry or something?"

You hadn't quite known how to respond. That was one hell of a kick in the teeth-and one hell of a conversation starter.

"I-I.." you mumbled, "I just don't like him period. He makes me uncomfortable as hell."

F/n nodded, almost understanding. "yeah.. he gets a little carried away with his pranks..!"

You couldn't help but frown slightly before you'd said, "w-well, it's not just that. Asshole keeps calling me 'toots'. I have a name."

"Ah, he just does that to people he gets a kick out of. trust me, just stop reacting to him and he'll get bored." F/n stated.

you looked up as your feet came into contact with the old grey-purple brick. You'd arrived-and the tower was surprisingly-at least to you-huge. The area was about three or five miles wide, and it was almost circular. You couldn't help but gasp upon looking at something hiding. though, just as you'd seen it, it was gone.

Was that.. Peppino..?

No... it couldn't have been..it was too.. goopy..?

You shook your head as you scanned the area. there wasn't much to see, though a certain crack-though it was more like a hole-in the floor caught your attention.

"This must be an entrance.." you mumbled, though the drop looked un-survivable without the right equipment. "m-maybe we should-" you began, but F/n cut you off.

"this place looks old, Heh..! You know, I've heard a lot about this place. OH-!" F/n seemed to come to an enlightenment, "Isn't your boss the guy who-"

Without warning, the ground beneath the two of you collapsed, and you were sent down into the depths of the unknown.

[[ I apologize for the slow update! however I'm finally out of writers block! (at the moment) SPECIAL THANKS TO THE PEOPLE WHO'VE VOTED SO FAR, It's been the only thing keeping me going, lol. NEXT UPDATE HOPEFULLY SOON!  - DRGN:) ]]

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