24. Blowing Off Steam

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Howzer's walk home that night was particularly chilly, but he didn't feel a thing, buoyed as he was by the absolute elation coursing through his veins. The door to his quarters slid open, revealing a stark, cold, empty little room with the basic necessities. He had come to love this simple little space of his own over the last few years, but now it felt lonely compared to the warmth and comfort of Aurelia's. It wasn't unusual for clones to find respite in the arms of another, but the concept of any kind of long-term domestic life was simply impossible. Yet watching the tender intimacy between Cham and Eleni as they pursued a shared vision together had left a distinct impression on him. 

He loved his post. His brothers worked together like a well-oiled machine, providing a sort of diplomatic interface between the Empire and the locals. He found himself considering future options, then chuckled to himself, realizing that the only freedom he would experience was in the time between shifts, or on the rare chance that he would be put on leave. Other than that, he was property of the Republic. Or the Empire. Or whoever was pulling the strings, deciding where and how his life would be spent. So, any free will could only be exercised in those precious hours off. 

The thoughts continued as he finished his nighttime routine and flopped onto his thin mat, feeling his resolve settle on a path forward. 

* * *

"Come on, Captain. It'll be fun!"

"Don't bother with him, Steady. He's a stuffy old loner these days."

"What'd you say?!" came an identical voice from across the barracks. 

"Not you, Loner!" 

"Listen... It's Evo's last shift before he's promoted to his fancy new post. It would mean a lot to him. He's been part of your squad from the start," the first clone said again, putting a hand on Howzer's shoulder. "Besides, where are you always off to? You're not in your bunk..."

"Alright, Steady, alright," Howzer cut him off, "I'll be there."

"Ha! Told you, Demo!" was the triumphant proclamation. 

"I'll believe it when I see it," Demo muttered, still waving off Loner's piercing glare.

* * *

"That sounds fun!" Aurelia said, surprising even herself with her enthusiasm.

"Really?" Howzer asked, smiling in delight, "I figured you'd had enough of those days."

"Well, anything is more fun with you involved, and I've always enjoyed hanging out with the clones."

"Anything, eh?" he grinned, "I'll remember that for later. But I'd love it if you came. I haven't told the boys anything about us, because we're not really supposed to do this sort of thing, but they've all broken those rules in one way or another... You still might get some flak."

"Just like old times," Aurelia chuckled, more to herself than to him.

"Not exactly like old times," Howzer corrected, rubbing the back of his neck. "But anyway... I'll see you there after work?" 

"Sounds good," she replied, yearning to give him a goodbye kiss but deterred by the flurry of people around them. It was lunchtime in the capitol square, and everyone seemed to be shifting from morning duties to afternoon. So with a simple nod to each other, they parted ways. 

* * *

The music thumped as species of all shapes and sizes gathered in the local cantina, where the atmosphere was infectiously jovial -- the celebration of the end of another week of work. Not that it mattered to the clones, for whom every day was the same, but the locals were always particularly enthusiastic before their rest days. The building was well-lit and spacious, with a variety of high-ceilinged rooms and areas for groups to gather, supported by a perfectly circular bar in the middle that fueled the good time. A small band played on a raised stage in the center of the bar, above everyone's heads, and warm golden lights were scattered throughout the rooms. It was reminiscent of 79s and yet totally foreign, though the general purpose was the same. 

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