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Harry's P.O.V

Rosie(:<3- I miss you.

Those three simple words were enough to shatter my already broken heart. Helena was supposed to be the one? The mother of my child, my first ever love. But here I was, heart-broken and alone while she went and played happy couple with my best friend.

Rosie. My second love, but what felt like the first. She was there to pick up the pieces when Helena left me, she put me back together. She healed me, inside and out. Rosie taught me how to love and trust again, and then I threw it all back in her face, trying to chase a girl that was already gone. I will never understand how I thought me and Helena would work out again, she was a changed girl. Whereas me? I was still a care-free teenage boy looking for somebody to love, nothing to serious, just some fun. But I was thrown into a adult styled life to early and I guess that's what ruined my relationship with Rosie.

To Rosie(:<3- I miss you too, I need you.

Why should I spend the rest of my life being miserable when I can go and get my own happiness? I want to live the last final teenage year as a teen would. Just because I now have a two year old child does not mean I'm trapped, this is my final year being considered a teen, and I'm not going to waste it.

My phone buzzed from beneath me, signalling that I had a text.

Rosie(:<3- I need you aswel.

Why does this girl have such an enormous affect on me? Just her telling me that she needs me, makes me want to go to her. I'd do anything just to see her smile one last time.

And thats exactly what im going to do.

"Harry? Fancy going down to the pub and getting a few beers?" Niall asked from the doorway to my bedroom.

I jumped off my bed and checked my appearance in the mirror. "Not today, I'm off out. Sorry mate!" I replied while patting his shoulder and grabbing my leather jacket from the door handle.

He followed me down the hall and into the kitchen/living room. "Out where? You taking Lilly?" He questioned.


"I was off to see Rosie actually ..." I mumbled while falling back onto the sofa.

Great, my plans were ruined.

"Go." Niall practically orded.

"What?" I asked while glancing in his direction.

"Mate, we've all seen how miserable you've been since Louis and Helena got together. Go get Rosie, you're happy with her. " Niall told me.

And thats all I needed to make myself get out the apartment and to my run down car.


Rosies small house that she lived in with her friend Tayla was in-front of me. The lights were on in some rooms. Indicating somebody was inside.

I took a few large strides towards the house, preparing myself to knock.

Take a deep breath Harry, you can do this.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Now all I could do is wait.

Only about a minute passed before the door was swung open, revealing a tall skinny girl with long dyed red hair that fell half way down her back. It flowed in loose curls over her body.

"Hello?" The girl asked, a confused expression on her face.

I snapped out my trance. "You must be Tayla, I'm Harry." I extended my arm out for her to shake, which she happily accepted.

Left with the Baby. (Harry Styles Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now