Chapter 30

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I immediately regretted kissing PJ. He was being so nice to me, and non-abusive. Then right after I kissed him he started getting really touchy. He would grab my arm and pull me closer to him, or grab my waist. I honestly wasn't interested and the whole thing was beginning to be a mistake.

"PJ, stop I'm done."

"You kissed me first!" His voice raised in annoyance.

"Yea. I thought I wanted it, but after I kissed you I regretted it."

"Wow, thanks for being so blunt. Sorry I'm disappointing."

I scoffed. How dare he put this back on me. I fully understand that I started it, and I kissed him and told him I loved him. But never, not once did I say that he was a disappointment.

"PJ, I am drunk. I said I regretted it, not that you are a disappointment," I said each word very clearly, "if you want to be friends then you need to stop putting words in my mouth. Because if you want to continue on as friends, don't expect me to stay very long."

He just sat there in silence. He acted as if he didn't acknowledge me. He just stared at the TV, sniffling at my words every time I spoke. I could see the TV reflection in his eyes, I could see how focused and concentrated he was on everything; everything but me.

I can't deal with him acting like a child for very long. I flipped the covers over and got out of bed. I was half naked and my legs were cold, but I didn't care and I just left the room. I ran down the stairs, trying to be as loud as possible. Each step I took shook the stairs and caused a loud thump. Once I reached the bottom I noticed Dan, Phil, and Finn were still here. Phil was asleep and Finn and Dan were in deep conversation. They both looked up at me, their eyes full of pity. Obviously I knew Finn was talking shit about PJ. But I wasn't going to complain; honestly I could have joined them at that point.

"Finn I'm tired, I don't want to deal with PJ. I was wondering if me and your brother could trade places for a day and I just go home with you?"

"Yea! Sure no problem, I'll grab my keys while you pack up!"

Dan stood up and took Finn's keys off the table.

"No, Finn I'll take her. You need to...Do other things." Dan didn't really sound convincing. I think he didn't even believe himself.

Obviously Dan had just lied. Finn glared at Dan, mumbling something to him. I think they were having a miny argument over the keys.

"Give them to me!"

"Finn shut up."


"You are not spending the night with her."

Whatever they had been talking about, had obviously been very little about PJ. It had been mostly about me.

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