2. Secrets of sulphur springs part 2

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Secrets of sulphur springs
Season one

Secrets of sulphur springs Season one 1x01

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After school

Griffin was riding his bike home when a girl In a red top caught his attention. He looked to the left not realising that there was a branch on the floor and his bike went over it with the bike landing next to him.

He layed down looking at the sky when he saw a familiar figure looking at him.
"Savannah?" He mumbled.
"So you do believe in ghosts?" Juniper said.
"Oh I was just messing with you" Griffin said getting up slowly.

"You need help? You looked like you took a nasty fall" Juniper asked.
"I'm fine" griffin said.
"If you say so, see you at school" Juniper waved and was about to walk away when Griffin asked her,"where are you going?".
"Shortcut I live the other side of the woods with Harper.".

"Your not worried about being grabbed by a ghost?"
"Are you kidding how cool would it be to actually run into savannah! But she's only been seen inside the hotel".

"And you never tried getting in?".
"Once I cut my arm pretty bad trying to get through a window. I ended up needing stitches" Juniper explained.
"Ouch!" griffin exclaimed.

"if you want I can give you a tour" Griffin offered the young girl looking hopeful.
"Yes! We can have an seance. You'll need an open mind" making Griffin laugh and shake his head.

At the hotel

Wyatt and Zoey were helping their parents move things around when there mum started speaking to their dad.

"So this is where some of your best memories where made".
"The bunkhouse actually, campers weren't allowed in the hotel unless parents were staying. Didn't want us to bother the fancy intel" Ben commented.

"Fancy? This place?" Zoey scoffed walking in between her parents.
"The Tremont used to be a world class resort. People used to come from all over to soak in the hot springs". Ben defended.
"If the hotel was so great why did it closed?" Wyatt asked following his twin.

"Well the springs started to dry up along with business" Ben started to say before being interrupted.

"That's not what I heard" Griffin said walking in to the hotel with Juniper.
"Rumour is people stopped coming because the Tremont is haunted" Griffin stated.
"What did I tell you about scaring your brother and sister" Ben warned his son.

"I'm not scared" Zoey said putting her hand on her hip.
"You were last night" wyatt taunted his sister.

"Can we please not argue in front of company" Sarah scolded her children.
"I'm Sarah Campbell, Griffins mum" she introduced herself.
"I'm Juniper".
"She's a friend from school" Griffin explains.

"Your really gonna reopen the hotel?" Juniper looks at Ben excitement dancing in her eyes.
"Doesn't look like much now but with some work the Tremont should be open again"

𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 (𝗚𝗿𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗹) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now