Explain (6)

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You were about to leave the building to go to your house when Aizawa appears behind you.

"Come on" He says.

"Where are we going?"

"My apartment"

"I can go to mine, really its fine"

"It's not fine, I'm not letting him come near you"

"I'm just being a burden, it's fine I've dealt with it for years" You try to reason with him.

"One, you're not a burden and two, you shouldn't have to deal with it anymore" 

"There's only like three or four years left until I leave it's okay"

"No, come on" He said and I followed him since he wasn't gonna let me leave.

Hizashi was waiting in the car for us. 

"Hey little listener!"

"Hi" You said and sat down in the back seat while Aizawa and Hizashi were in the front.

"Could I atleast go to my apartment to get clothes and stuff?"

"You sure? We can just buy you some clothes" Aizawa says.

"I'm sure" 

"Fine, I'll show the way" Aizawa says.

Aizawa tells Hizashi the way to your apartment and after a bit you arrive. 

"You can stay in the car, I'll be back in a bit"

"Fine, if anything happens just call me"


You head up to your floor and climb up the stairs. You got the key and opened the door. Carefully, you tiptoed in but someone was there waiting for you.

"Where have you been?" He says with anger.

"Uh, I stayed at a friends" You answer.

You walk/rush to your room and he throws a vase at your back before you went in your room. You silently cursed, closing the door. Trying to ignore the pain, you gather up some clothes and some other things you might need. 

"Where are you going brat?" He says as he grabs my wrist.

"Outside, now leave me the fuck alone" I say as I get away from his grasp.

"Come back here you-" He says but I shut the apartment door and speed down the stairs.

I go to the car and hop in,

"(Y/n)! Your injured" Hizashi says.

"It's fine I'll take care of it at your apartment"

"Fine, but your letting me help you" Aizawa says.

"Okay" I say and try to not let my back touch the car.


"Is that glass?" Hizashi says.

"Yeah he threw a vase at me or something I don't know" I say as a shrug then wince. 

"Do you mind me lifting the back of your shirt?" Hizashi asks.

"I don't mind" I say.

He lifts the back of my shirt and gasps.

"Whats wron-" Then it hits you, the flat iron burn hadn't faded and they just saw it.

"Never mind, I'll just do it myself it's fine" I say quickly getting up and going to the bathroom, locking it.

"(Y/n), open the door" Aizawa says.

"It's fine I'll do it myself" I say, trying to come up with an excuse.

"(Y/n)." Aizawa says in a stern tone.

I groan and unlock the door, then creak the door open slightly.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Sit back down" He demands.

I huff and sit down crossing my arms. They look at me for approval and I nod slightly. 

Mic pulls the shirt up, "Did he do this?" He asks.

I nod.

"Tell me if you had enough" Aizawa says and starts pulling the shards of glass out with a tweezer. I wince and close my eyes, gripping my knee harshly. 

"Almost done" Aizawa says.

After a few minutes, "And done" He says as he puts down the tweezer and dumps the shards of glass in the trash.

"Do you want ointment for your burn?" Mic asks.

(I'm going to be switching between Hizashi and Mic, the reason he said to call him by his first name instead of Yamada is because you told him to call you (Y/n).)

"That'll be nice, thanks" I say as he applies ointment.

"Arms" Aizawa says.

"What?" I say quietly panicking, did they see the bandages?

"Arms, now" He repeats.

I pull my sleeves up to my elbow.

"There's nothing" I say hoping they don't ask for my upper arm.

"Higher" He states.

"No" I state looking at him in the eye.

"Why not?"

"Because" I say trying to find an excuse but couldn't find one.

TW: Self harm

"Look, (Y/n) I need to check if your self harming, if you are then I'll help you."

"I'm not so there's no need" I say.

"You aren't alone (Y/n), look" He says, pulling up his sleeves revealing self harm cars.

You take a deep breath, "Fine"

He smiles softly and looks at me for consent, I nod look away as he pulls my left sleeve higher and unwraps the bandages. 

I hear him sigh and speak, "Hizashi"

He hands him something, "This is going to burn a bit" You nod.

Aizawa applies it on my arm and it burns more than the cuts itself.

"Done, could you give me your right arm?" He says after a few seconds.

I give him my right arm, "This ones a bit worse" I say quietly.

He nods and unwraps the bandages, I hear Hizashi gasping slightly.

I look away again and prepare for the burning sensation.


"You look like your keeping yourself from asking something, say it" I say to Hizashi.

"You sure?"

I nod.

"What did he use to burn you like that?"

It was obvious he was going to ask about my burn.

 I closed my eyes and answered, "Flat iron"

"I'm gonna kill him" Aizawa says and I opened my eyes.

Aizawa looked genuinely pissed, I had never saw him like this.

"That's not heroic" I say.

He sighs, "Would you like to file a case on child abuse?"

"Uhm, sure I guess"



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