Pain (8)

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Aizawa told you that you had permission to not come to school for a week but you would rather go there than stay with him.

Yesterday, you washed yourself over and over again but never felt clean, you couldn't get the feeling of his skin on yours out of your head.

Your whole body was covered in bruises, cuts and burns, you only had a limited amount of foundation to cover it up. You covered your face, hands, and neck with it.

Once you looked okay, you got out of your room, not eating breakfast, if your father caught you eating then he would do the same thing as yesterday. You begged him to kill you, saying it was better than the pain you felt but he said that he would be charged for murder or else he would've.

You limped to school, after all, he did shoot you yesterday. You never had dealt with a bullet wound so you left it in, after all, according to your father's words you deserved it.

You entered the classroom, all eyes were on you. This was your least favorite part, the video of court had gone viral since cases are recorded. You sat down on your chair and hid your face in your arms, there was whispering around you.

Aizawa came on the classroom, eyes widening when he saw you here. He didn't want to make a scene so he continued class.

"(L/n), stay back." He said and you gulped. Everyone left the class, it was only you and Aizawa left.

You limped over to his desk, trying to make the limping unnoticeable. You covered your tie with your hands.

"What did he do?"

"I can't tell"


"He'd do worse"

"It will only be between us" He says

"Can't, if I tell you, you're going to get mad at him"

"Is it that bad?"

I nod slightly, "You know, I begged him to kill me. I would rather get shot in the head than witness it again"

His eyes widened and he grinded his teeth together.

"But you don't have any bruises, did you use makeup?"


"You know, if you have visible bruises we can go to court again and try again"

"I'd rather not risk it, if he finds out I did it again he'd probably just kill me and move to a different place"

He sighs, "if he hurts you call me right away and I'll get police too"

You nod, "I'll be leaving, bye" You say and he says bye back.

As you walk through the hallway you hear and see people pointing and whispering.

"How dare she blame it on her father"

"She's such a pick me"

"She's doing it for attention"

The only thing they were talking about is you.

You entered the cafeteria and sat there eating your food, your father can't see you eat here.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the burden of 1a" Monoma says.

"Leave me alone" I say.

"Not a chance, not after you blame your injuries on your father and try to lock him into prison"

"You don't know anything"

"Oh I know everything that happened"

"You don't know shit! You don't know how I felt going to the same home everyday wondering if I was going to survive, you don't know how I felt when people suicide baited me, you don't know when I attempted to commit suicide!"

He just smiles then he hands you a plastic knife.

"Go ahead" He says.

"What the hell should I do with this?"

"I thought you liked cutting yourself for attention?"

"I don't do it for fucking attention!" I say louder.

"Oh, so you do it to put the blame on others?"

You were on the verge of tears, all eyes were on you.

"Awe, is the baby gonna cry for attention?" He said.

"I never did that and never will" I answer.

"Come on, show us what you did and blamed it on your father!" He says with a smirk as he grabs your arm and lifts up your sleeve, blood dripping on the floor.

There were whip marks, bruise, self harms cuts almost showing your bone, cuts that were infected and more. Monoma dumped your food on top of you and started laughing.

You started crying and pulled your sleeve back down. 'The whole school knows how bad you fucked up, there's people taking videos of your arm and now everyone is seeing it'

You couldn't breathe, you were on the floor gripping your hair as there was talking and whispering around you, there was a pool of blood on the floor from your arms. You heard the sound of doors slamming open but the only thing you focused on was your thoughts. You heard people calling for your name and an arm reaching out for you.

"I-I'm sorry p-please don't hurt m-me" You said as you backed up into a wall your back hitting the wall with a thump.

There was another hand reaching out for you.

You started glitching over to random places in the cafeteria when your quirk stopped working. There was a bit of silence when something appeared.

"You fucking bitch I told you to stay home" your father said.

"I'm s-sorry I'll listen just please l-leave me a-alone" You beg.

He grabbed you by your hair and slapped you in the cheek. He teleported both of you home before heros could catch you both.

... Aizawa POV

"Shit" I said as I started pacing around the room.

The cafeteria was filled with talking, some crying. Monoma was staying in the same spot, probably rethinking his life choices.

"Hizashi we need to find her now!"

"We can't do anything Shota, the only thing we can do is find a rescue team and wait for her to come back. She could be on the other half of the world from what I know"

We had to continue class because there was nothing we could do, her phone was left here.


(Y/n) POV:

It was a few days after my father had basically kidnapped me, I'm pretty sure we were in America since sometimes I could hear people speaking english.

I had regained some energy so I could teleport back to UA, I was basically half dead though. I had decided I was going to teleport in a few minutes.

After a few minutes I stood up shakily and pictured the 1a classroom, when I opened them I recognized the classroom. I fell but someone catched me.



Words used: 1109

Sorry this chapter kind of sucks.

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