teaching them to kill; then to die

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you can't help but feel like dazai has been up to something. you're not exactly sure, but ever since getting back from the case you solved, atsushi's been kind of antsy near you. you'd only really seen him once, a quick goodbye before heading to your apartment. it wasn't enough to confirm that he really was suspicious of you, but still, you were careful to note it. you hadn't gotten the chance to see atsushi the next morning because you left early. dazai didn't live in the agency dormitory like you did, so instead of simply knocking on his door, you sent him a text asking to meet him at the train station. you'd had enough of only interacting with him through knowing glances and the glimmer in each other's eyes. dazai was the one agency member who you had yet to hold an actual conversation with and you have decided that you will change that today.

surprisingly enough, when you arrived at the train station ten minutes before you agreed to meet, dazai was already there. you'd have expected him to be awfully late, but here he was. did that mean this meeting was something he actually deemed important? you didn't know and you didn't want to overanalyze it.

you stepped up to dazai, ready to begin the discussion you had been waiting for. quickly, it registered that you really should have prepared something to say in advance. you were coming to the sudden realization that you had no idea how to begin or even what the general idea you even wanted to get across was. luckily, or perhaps quite unluckily, for you, the presence of someone else saved you from the inevitable embarrassment you were bound to face.

it was a young girl in a kimono, hair tied neatly in two low ponytails. her eyes were glued to the ground as she came uncomfortably close to the two of you.

you froze seeing the short girl before you. kyouka? no, you haven't gone through the azure apostle arc, so why was she here now? you could have sworn you were following the anime's timeline, but it seemed that wasn't quite the case. it made sense, you supposed. if the azure apostle events happened now, dazai wouldn't have had an entrance exam. so the closest thing you could conclude was that you were only following the anime timeline for the most part. perhaps when there were plot holes in reality the universe fills them. you couldn't be sure, but it was your best guess as it currently stood.

"found you." kyouka continued to avoid eye contact, her gaze stuck to the floor as demon snow manifested behind her. before you could even fully register what was occurring, demon snow was behind you. a dull pain formed under your jaw, like the hilt of a sword. at the very least you weren't going to die. you're sure if she wanted you dead you'd simply have been stabbed. your vision blurred. she must have struck a nerve cluster. you were being knocked out. before you could even witness the rest of the interaction or how kyouka managed to capture dazai, you were completely out. the world was black.

after the short pause of darkness, you blinked your eyes open. coming to your senses you realized you were sitting on a red baroque armchair. the room you were in was nothing if not lavish. well, lavish and very recognizable. you were in mori's office. and in front of you, seated at his desk was mori. he had some kind of document in front of him that he was writing onto with a quill. you yawned into the palm of your hand, catching his attention.

"ah you're awake. how did you sleep?" mori placed the quill into its holder as he kept eye contact with you.

"quite well, thank you." you grinned with mock cheerfulness. you noted that you weren't restrained. if you were correct in your theory then it seems you were receiving a very different treatment than dazai was.

"i'm glad to hear that." mori smiled back at you. "well, i'm sure you're curious as to what brought you here."

"well, i mean, it's quite an honor to be brought directly to the great mori ougai himself! anyone would wonder what they did to earn such recognition." you placed your elbows onto the wooden desk before you. you used your arms to prop your head up.

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