We should get back home Naruto and the hospital with our wifes

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Sasuke sighed and said "Naruto we should get back home now" Naruto replied with "ok" then he walked to sasuke and picked him up. And sasuke started getting flustered but didn't say anything Naruto smiled at sasuke and then he looked at our kids and he said "time to go home kids." They all looked at us and then they stood up and ran to us boruto got there first followed by sarada and himawari.

Sasuke used his time jutsu and made a portal and Naruto walked in followed by his children Naruto was still holding sasuke but sasuke legs was hurting because of the burn he got. They arrived in the hokage office and Naruto said "ok kids go to my house ok and I will go to the hospital to get some help for sasuke." They all nodded and left while naruto used his speed and ran out of the hokages office to the hospital with sasuke still in his arms.

Naruto reached the hospital and immediately he called lady tsunade and shizunes name then lady tsunade arrived and saw Naruto carrying a burned sasuke in his arms. Tsunade walked towards Naruto and looked at sasukes burns and then he looked at Naruto and she sighed and said "follow me Naruto." Tsunade walked down the hallway and Naruto followed right behind her when they got to the room tsunade opened the door and Naruto walked inside while tsunade kept the door open.

Naruto then placed sasuke on the bed and sasuke was asleep because he went to sleep on the way here then he moved back and tsunade walked up to sasuke and started healing him. Sasuke flinched a little but still was asleep then the burns on his body slowly disappeared. Then they all disappeared and tsunade stopped healing and said "when he wakes up he can leave" and Naruto just nodded and looked at sasuke and sat down next to him and waited until sasuke woke up.

An hour and a half later~
Sasuke eyes fluttered opened he saw light he squinted then he blinked and then he saw he was in a hospital bed then he heard light snoring. He looked next to him and it was Naruto who had his head on his arms and his arms on the bed sasuke smiled and then sasuke ruffled Naruto's hair. Then Naruto's eyes fluttered opened and then he blinked and said "hey teme" naruto did a classic smile and yawned.

Naruto sat up and rubbed his eyes and sasuke just sighed and said "go back to bed dobe you need slee-, sasuke got cut off by Naruto kissing him on the lips. It was short after it Naruto passed out and layed his head on sasukes lap and started snoring again. Sasuke blushed and touched his lips with his hand but then he looked down at Naruto who was on his lap then sasuke smiled and put his hand on Naruto's hair.

Then the door burst open it was sakura and hinata who were pissed and sasuke was confused of how they got back then all of the konoha girls except ino walked in and looked pissed off. Sasuke was confused but then he knew why they were mad because they left sakura and hinata in space to fight momoshiki alone. Sasuke sighed and said "Naruto wake up your wife is here and she looks hurt" Naruto did not budge and hinata was shocked that means Naruto did not care about hinata.

Sasuke face palmed and said "naruto I am hurt again" naruto opened his eyes and said "are you ok teme" sasuke touched Naruto's cheek with his hand and said "I am fine but look." Naruto looked behind him and saw hinata crying and sakura starting to cry then all the rest were glaring at them with anger and how dare you look. Naruto sighed and said "you woke me up to deal with these bitches" sasuke was shocked and sakura turned mad and hinata started crying and bitch whining.

Ino walked in and said "lady tsunade wanted me to check on you sasuke oh what is everyone doing here" sasuke sighed in relief and said "oh they were just leaving right." Sakura sighed and ino said "sakura you know we can only have one person in here for check up's and Naruto has been here because he is the one who brought him here." Sakura glared at Naruto and Naruto glared back and sakura said "fine cmon let's go girls let's help hinata" they all nodded and walked out.

When they all left and ino laughed and said "don't worry sasuke you are free to go I just needed to see you were awake and it looked like you wanted them to leave so I made an excuse for them to leave you guys alone." Naruto and sasuke smiled and sasuke said "thank you ino you are the person I can call a great woman except lady tsunade" ino smiled and said "your welcome and thx." Naruto stood up and said "you ready to go sasuke" sasuke looked at Naruto and smiled and said "yes I am and then he got out of the bed and stood up next to Naruto.

Naruto grabbed sasukes hand and held it and sasuke blushed and ino said "bye you two have a great rest of your day" Naruto nodded and said "bye ino thx for the help." Naruto and sasuke walked out of the room and ino said "your welcome and be careful of your wife sasuke." Sasuke laughed and they both exited the hospital Naruto sighed and said "where do you think our wives are at" sasuke replied with "definitely not at the hokages office because they probably think we would come home after the hospital."

Naruto nodded and said "you wanna go to the hokages tower with me sasuke so you don't have to deal with your crazy wife right now." Sasuke replied with "I would love that thank you" Naruto smiled and said "your welcome" they both walked to hokages tower and Naruto opened the door for sasuke. Sasuke entered the hokage tower then Naruto entered closing the door behind him sasuke looked at Naruto and said "thank you for everything" Naruto replied with "your welcome teme."
To be continued~

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