Did we just cheat on our wives?!

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No one pov~
Naruto walked to sasuke and pulled him into a hug and sasuke was surprised because he was not expecting that to happen, sasuke slowly hugged Naruto back. Then Naruto released the hug and said "sorry I felt like you needed that hug" sasuke nodded and said "I did thank you" Naruto replied with "your welcome." Sasuke walked backwards but tripped on the desk, Naruto pinned sasukes hands down because he couldn't think of what else to do. Sasuke looked up at Naruto and he said "thx but can you let go of my hands now" naruto nodded and let go of sasukes wrists then he stood up straight. Sasuke pushed himself off the desk and stood up, Naruto asked "are you ok teme" sasuke nodded then Naruto looked down and saw sasukes pants falling down.

Naruto blushed and looked up and said "teme your pants are falling down" sasuke looked down and said "thx for telling me" then sasuke pulled up his pants. The window then flew open and the paperwork flew out sasuke jumped over the desk and closed the window and Naruto was just looking at sasukes butt the whole time. Sasuke locked the window and turned around and crouched and picked up all the papers that were on the floor, sasuke stood up and layed the papers on the desk. Naruto sighed and said "thank you" sasuke replied with "your welcome" Naruto blushed and said "I have to tell you something teme" sasuke looked up and said "what is it." Naruto sighed and said "I think I fell out of love with my wife" sasuke was shocked because Naruto just said he does not love his wife anymore.

Sasuke calmed down and said "what made you fall out of love with your wife" Naruto replied with "you teme because now I fell in love with you" sasuke turned even more shocked then before and he was also confused. Naruto looked at sasuke and said "I guess I am bisexual now" sasuke calmed down and smiled "i already fell in love with Naruto" this time Naruto turned shocked and he said "when did you fall in love with me." Sasuke smiled again and said "since we were genin I mean we are still genin but when we were on a team together when we went to the land or waves" Naruto was surprised that was a long time ago when they went there. Naruto sighed and said "I guess I didn't realize you had a crush on me" sasuke looked at Naruto confused then Naruto teleported to sasuke and pinned him against the wall. Sasuke blushed and said "what are you doing Naruto" Naruto replied with "what I wanted to do with my wife but she always said she couldn't take it anymore."

Sasuke turned completely confused then Naruto leaned in and kissed sasuke on the lips, sasuke turned shocked but then he slowly melted into the kiss. Sasuke then wrapped his arm around Naruto's neck and Naruto wrapped his arms around sasukes back(do I want to create a smut chapter hmmm yes I will). Smut warning for the first time: naruto put his tongue in and asked for an entrance and sasuke just granted it because he was enjoying this. Sasuke pulled back and string of saliva connected both of there tongues together, Naruto went down to sasukes neck and started sucking it. And sasuke let a small moan and Naruto looked up and said "teme let's have fun" sasuke just nodded end of smut (yes that is all I got because I am terrible at writing smut).

At 9:30 pm~
Sasuke tried sitting up but he couldn't because someone was holding him down and he looked behind him and it was Naruto, sasuke smiled then Naruto pulled sasuke into a kiss it was soft and quick then Naruto passed out again. Sasuke was shocked but then he chuckled and then he layed his head into Naruto's chest and a few seconds later Naruto wrapped his arms around sasuke pulling sasuke closer to him. Sasuke was about to go to sleep but then he realized something and he immediately got up which woke up Naruto because Naruto banged his head on the wall. Naruto rubbed his eyes and said "are you ok teme" sasuke replied with "did we just cheat on our wives" Naruto became shocked and scared because they really did just cheat on their wives with each other. Naruto calmed down and said "yes we did" sasuke sighed and layed his head back on Naruto's chest, Naruto sighed and wrapped his arms around sasuke and then he said "how are we gonna tell them about this or should we not say anything at all."

Sasuke sighed and said "the second option I don't want to tell them about this" Naruto nodded and said "ok that is fine with me I really don't wan to tell hinata either." Sasuke sighed and said "we should get back home before our so called wives don't worry" Naruto nodded and said "are you gonna be ok walking on you own." Sasuke nodded and stood up and crouched and grabbed his clothes but then he fell down and Naruto quickly caught him Naruto then helped sasuke stand on his feet and sasuke put on his and Naruto's clothes using his rinnegan. Naruto smiled and said "thank you teme" sasuke replied with "your welcome dobe" sasuke smiled at Naruto who just pulled sasuke into a hug. Sasuke slowly hugged back then they both released the hug and sasuke said "well bye Naruto" Naruto sighed and pulled sasuke back to him before sasuke could leave.

Naruto leaned to sasuke and kissed him and sasuke just kissed back then they both released the kiss after six seconds and then sasuke teleported away to go back to his house to deal with his wife. And Naruto had to stay at the hokages office to straighten his desk out because it was messy from the window opening, Naruto grabbed the papers that were still on the floor and he put them on a stack of papers near his desk. He walked the around the desk and picked up all the scrolls and papers that were on the floor and Naruto put the scrolls on the desk and put the papers on the stacks of papers that were either next to the desk or on the desk. Naruto then walked to the door and opened it and walked out of the hokages office and he walked home still thinking about sasuke when Naruto arrived home it was 10:20 pm. Naruto walked to the door and opened it and walked in and the first thing he saw was hinata in a maid dress and Naruto felt disgusted by the sight that he just ran up the stairs and just ran to his and hinatas room so he can go to sleep.
To be continued~

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