Secret sex and kakashi misses his crush and me

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The next day~
No one's pov~
Naruto was in his office signing paperwork until someone teleported in and it was sasuke he looked mad and Naruto was confused •is he ok did sakura make him mad or something Naruto thought• sasuke sighed in frustration. Sasuke walked behind Naruto's desk and Naruto turned his chair to where sasuke was coming from sasuke then sat on Naruto's lap which made Naruto blush he was surprised of sasukes behavior right now. Sasuke looked at Naruto and kissed him Naruto just kissed back and they both released from the kiss seconds later Naruto smiled and said "why are you so lovey dovey now you were mad a few seconds ago."

Sasuke got embarrassed and Naruto was confused until he realized sasuke was horny Naruto sighed and said "you are really that desperate huh teme" sasuke replied with "y-yes" Naruto smiled at sasukes behavior it was like a kittens. Naruto smirked a dirty grin and pinned sasuke onto the desk and all the paper flew off the desk sasuke turned shocked and said "Naruto what if someone comes in" Naruto replied with "don't worry kitten shikamaru is with his wife all day today." Sasuke blushed at the nickname and said "k-kitten" Naruto smiled even more and said "yes you are my kitten" Naruto then petted sasukes hair and sasuke started purring which was even more adorable.

Naruto turned awed by sasukes cute behavior sasuke smiled and said "dobe can we" Naruto smirked and said "thought you never ask teme" Naruto leaned to sasukes ear and whispered "don't worry kitten I will be gentle this time." Sasukes whole body shivered and then he said "thank you" Naruto then leaned to sasukes lips and kissed him sasuke melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms (yes sasuke has both of his arms) around Naruto and Naruto just deepened the kiss. Naruto started exploring sasukes mouth and sasuke started moaning a little and that got Naruto turned on even more every time sasuke would make a small moan he would get more horny.

With kakashi yes kakashi~
Kakashi was standing in front of obitos grave his crush yes he had a crush on obito and he told no one about it because he thought everyone would hate him for being gay so he kept it secret from everyone even his own students. But he knew he could never have obito because he was in love with rin and now obitos dead and he realized missed him a lot •oh obito I wish you were with me you could have seen what happened since the fourth Shinobi world war kakashi thought•. Kakashi sighed and bowed and left to go home then a hand stopped him it looked like a sprits hand kakashi looked back and it was obito, kakashi was shocked obito smiled and said "bakashi we will meet soon" then obitos spirit went away and kakashi was shocked and confused because how in the world did that happen and what did obito mean?

Kakashi sighed and said "it was probably a hallucination" then he walked in the direction to his house then he bumped into iruka holding a book and he didn't even see him walking towards him until he bumped into him. Kakashi immediately said "iruka I am so sorry I didn't see you" iruka replied with "it's fine kakashi sensei I should stop reading while walking" kakashi did an closed eye smile and waved bye to iruka and walked by him. Kakashi stopped when he heard obitos voice say "bye see you soon kakashi" kakashi was now frustrated because was his friend alive or dead he didn't know at this point he was so confused.

Kakashi just calmed down and went back home so he can clear his head from whatever what was happening to him right now when he got to his home he opened the door and walked and closed the door behind him. Kakashi walked to his room and got dressed into his pajamas and got into the covers and then he turned off the lights then all of his dogs ran to his bed and cuddled with him. Kakashi smiled underneath the mask and tried cuddling all of them then he went to sleep but he didn't know they were spirits looking at him smiling because they knew they were gonna meet soon.

Back to Naruto and sasuke~
Naruto breathed hard and said "teme should we stop" and sasuke just nodded because he couldn't take it anymore and Naruto respected that because he was tired as well Naruto sighed and teleported both him and sasuke to a bedroom that was right next to the office. Naruto sighed and picked up sasuke from the bed and then Naruto shadow clones made the bed and cleaned up the office Naruto then he put sasuke back on the bed when it was ready. Naruto sighed and slid into the bed with sasuke and he pulled sasuke to his chest and sasuke just cuddled into Naruto's chest and they both went to sleep after they had a second secret sex.

With Noelle aka me~
Noelle sighed and said "well I guess it is time for the fifth shinobi world war to happen" then someone walked right next to her and said "yes let's create chaos and destruction to this so called peace of a world." This person was named Zoey, Noelles girlfriend Noelle smiled and said "let's go then" Zoey smirked and they both teleported away too a temple far away from all the villages Noelle put down the scroll and said "edo tensei rebirth." Then a big glow appeared almost blinding them but then out came sakumo hatake the white fang, obito, itachi, shisui, madara, and izuna uchiha there was also Naruto's parents and jirayia they were all their except they were all controlled by Noelle with her amulet she wears around her neck all a person has to do is snatch it off her neck but first they have to deal with her army first.
To be continued~

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