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Quotes for today :
If you're tired. Sleep well friends. Don't let anything bother you.


Number two, for looney loo. Are you kidding me right now? People seem to like you more now! I know it's their rights to do whatever they want.. but i'm jelly..

And also, the moment i heard you chose the university outside Jakarta.. UGH, WELL THAT DID HURT A BIT 😭🤚 Chase your dream. Chase it no matter the challenge are. Keep on pushing yourself! I wish i can talk to you face to face like this, but hell no. I would not.

Oh yeah, one think for today that i should've known earlier is :
1. Early is Fun.
2. Too early and you'll get nothing.
3. Late? Well, bye bye!
4. Too late? Uhm. Idk what to say.
5. Didn't come means you are a coward.

If you know what i'm talking about then congrats. If not, have fun solving it.


Enough for today i think. This day will last in my memory a long time. Hoping the best for him and his study. Well, i still have 2 years to go so, IF YOU GOT THERE, I'LL GO THERE.


20 letters for him Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang