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Quotes for today :
"You can do what you want as long it didn't hurt you."



I hate Friday, 21 April 2023.

The thing is, i'm dissapointed of how this guy act. I like him, but if he do this a lot of time then I have the rights to be mad, am I? Maybe not ;)

It happened a lot of time. At first, I don't care. That 'first' turn into lots. He just have that excuses. Is it that hard to come, sit, sing, and then go home? It just need 1 hour. I'm sorry if sometimes you and my other friends should wait, BUT HEY! WHY AM I SORRY-ING?

I hope you realized. I hope your old self came back. I hope you'll notice the difference now. I hope you do your work more now as the First secretary. I hope your friendlyness won't go away because that new people that always reach out to you like they don't have friend (probably because they don't have?)


21 April '23

20 letters for him Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang