v. he was your romeo, (ao'nung)

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imagine this:

f!reader as the sully family's precious daughter, protected by her parents, brothers and sisters. she's elegant, she's perfect, poise and the definition of grace. her beauty is like no other, gaze sharp enough to pierce through even the most protected of hearts.

upon moving to awa'atlu, it seems she's captured the heart of the olo'eyktan's son. we set the stage in the middle of the night, a month after the sully's arrival.

oh, what love will blossom between the girl as perfect as can be, and the boy whose flaws are as uncountable as the stars?

recommended song to listen to: le lecon particuliere

─── He was your Romeo, and you were his Juliet. 

You? Why would she ever like you?' his friends laughed at him, unaware of the fissures that slowly dug into his heart the more often those words drifted into his ears.

You were so much more than just a little crush to him.

Each moment he spent in your presence pulled him deeper into the endless swirling pool of the undeniable infatuation he had towards you, flooding his mind, to the point where his daily routine turned into making sure he would catch a glimpse of you just once.

One look, and the gentle way your lips curved up when your eyes met.

That's all he needed from you.

He did not care for the scowls upon your brothers faces or the sharp exhales your sisters would give as he smiled at you, he only cared about the expression on your face.

And when you talked to him, boy, did his heart feel like it was soaring through the most vivid of skies, the rush similar to if he'd consumed a million sweets at once.

Your laugh, an angel's trumpet. Your eyes, the suns that lit up the world. Your very touch caused the blood in his veins to frantically make their way to his cheeks to get a glimpse of you.

But most of all, you were so intriguing to him. Your stories he buried deep within his memory, praying he'd never forget the way you described your home. You were so thoughtful, so sincere.

He felt almost bad for you. How could he, with such flaws and impropriety, fall for an angel like you? His mind was riddled with destructive thoughts before he'd met you. Vile words sat on the tip of his tongue when he looked at others, but you pushed those thoughts away, banishing them to darkness.

You were his light.

And here he was, your hand close to his as you sat together looking at the twilight sky, perched on a lone structure of rock that stuck out from the water, legs dangling over the edge.

He wanted to intertwine your fingers together, to feel your palms and trace the lines on them, to feel every crevice and groove of your hand and commit them to memory. But with a carefully drawn breath, he restrained himself.


He never knew how beautiful his name sounded until it came from your lips. He turned his head, taking in the sight of you looking out at the stars that painted the night sky.

"I think I like you." you smiled softly, looking down at the ocean beneath your feet.

He did not answer, and you lifted your head slowly, scared of what his reaction would be. There was a slight warmth that wrapped around your heart, trying to tell you that he did like you too. But you couldn't help it for insecurity tore the warmth into pieces; you'd never felt this way for someone before.

He was hilarious, and he was kind. He was patient with you, and he was beautiful. And he was so different from anyone you'd ever met.

Instead of lavish gifts, he gave you an attentive ear to listen to everything you had to say.

Instead of extravagant displays of affection, he gave you small glances every few minutes to assure that you were still smiling.

You knew he cared for you, and not what you looked like.

His lips were parted, jaw slack with surprise.

With that, you knew the answer before he said it.

You inched your body closer to his, resting your head on his shoulder and taking his right hand in your left.

"I..I like you too." he finally mustered, a satisfied breath puffing out his torso. He relaxed and leaned into the feeling of your body against his.

You were comfortable. He was comfortable. The two of you were stuck like that, your thumb grazing over his fingers until the morning came.

The moment you lifted your head he felt a sudden emptiness come over him. You wrapped your arms around his, pulling him up and as the sky changed its hue.

You felt a little helpless, and when you looked into his beautiful eyes you knew he felt the same.

After all, he was betrothed to another.

You wondered if she ever had a moment as intimate like this with him, if she even loved him as much as you loved him.

Young, forbidden love is bittersweet.

He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in tight for a hug that lasted a few moments. His body comforted you, the gesture as if to say 'It's going to be alright.'

As you left him alone on the rock to return to your family, he sat cross-legged, gazing at the village he called his home.

Soon, he would have to return to his duties.

He would have to return to his status of the next olo'eyktan, promised to a woman he never loved.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

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