ii. waking up with jake

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summary: gn! omaticayan! reader and Jake wake up one morning. that's it. literally. you guys do not make it out of the bed aside from a flashback but then again that's not really getting out of bed is it?

basically: - this takes after Jake Sully is permanently in his na'vi body, and you guys are matedalso tsu'tey is alive and the olo'eyktan cause we can't have Jake leaving you too early in the morning for chief duties, can we?

this is b4 the omaticaya move to highcamp cause I NEED the forest feelz for this (PRETEND IT NEVER BURNT DOWN USE YOUR IMAGINATION JSUT BE HAPPY.)


fluff, physical contact, nothing suggestive (I THINK???)

You feel the morning light shine warmly on your face, waking you up from your deep slumber. You open your eyes to the familiar sight and feeling of your home; the radiant forest of Pandora. 

You could hear the sounds of the creatures chittering and gliding around in the air above you.

Taking a deep breath to wake yourself up, you were able to smell the scent of the bark and leaves of the trees surrounding you and your freshly woven hammock, made by you and your mate to commemorate your union before Eywa. Your mate, who had his hands wrapped tightly around your waist and his chin rested on top of your head.

"Ma'Jake, it is time for us to rise." you half-whispered, trying to sit up. But his arms would not budge. 

"Mmmpf. Just....5 more minutes, love." Jake said in the language of the sky people. You groaned, slightly, still struggling to get out of his tight grasp. 

Him speaking his language reminded you of the time you both first met.

It was pure coincidence; he had been stranded by Neytiri by accidentally saying something to offend her, and he ran the wrong direction while trying to catch up to her. 

You were collecting herbs for healing wounded warriors, and he stumbled upon you. "Hey!" he called towards you, seeing you scraping some bark off the trees and placing it into a pouch tied to your waist.

You turned to him, and he stopped dead in his tracks. You looked stunning to him. You, on the other hand, were confused. 

This was the man from the Sky? 

What was he doing here all alone? 

"Isn't Neytiri supposed to be with you?" you asked him, but he didn't understand. 

"Neytiri? Neytiri uhm. She left me here." he said, in a clumsy accent, trying to pull together words he learned from Neytiri beforehand.

You shook your head, holding in a laugh as you walked towards him, lightly treading on the grass. You couldn't understand him completely, but you got the gist of it. 

He froze as you approached him, heart beating fast at the way your smile changed your face entirely from stunning to absolutely captivating.

You put your hands on his shoulders, checking his back and letting your eyes roam around his body to examine for any scratches, wounds or bruises. 

And for...other purposes. 

Needless to say, you were pleased with the result. His toned chest was unharmed, and his muscular arms were firm. And also unharmed. That's why you were feeling his arm up.

No other reason.

You did a great job being subtle, Jake thinking that this was simply the Na'vi way of checking people for bruises. 

You looked up at him, looking into his eyes. You weren't short, but this man was tall

The way he looked back at you, meeting your gaze, it was electrifying. 

You quickly looked to the side, turned around and started walking to the direction of the camp. You looked over your shoulder to see that he was still standing right where you left him.

You gave him a side eye, and started remembering some of the english words that the healer from the sky, Grace, had taught you. "Come." you called to him, and he snapped out of his trance. He quickly jogged towards you, and you led him back to camp.

Ever since that day, you had been seeing him more often. He taught you english and you taught him the na'vi language, helping Neytiri's efforts to assist him in rolling his R's correctly. 

Whether it be by meeting by pure chance in the middle of the woods, near the healers tent, him choosing to sit next to you during dinner or laying right next to you when you woke up, he had become a very important part of your life.

"Oeyä tìyawn. Wake up." you urged, trying harder to get out of his grasp, but it seemed the more you struggled, the more complicated the situation got. He tangled his legs with yours, and you were able to feel his warm body against your back.

You sighed, but then a devilish smirk creeped up onto your face. You had recalled him telling you that there was a certain part of the male human body that was more sensitive to others, and upon him tangling your legs together, it gave you the perfect opening. You kicked your leg back, hitting his crotch.

"OGH!" he howled in pain, letting you go. You sat up triumphantly, and quickly tried to get away from your shared hammock. 

But as soon as you stood up, he grabbed your hand and pulled you down, and you let out a shocked scream. You now were laying on his chest, hands on either side of his head, staring into his yellow eyes. And he was staring into your eyes.

He let out a smug smile, "Fall for me again?" he said in a husky voice. You rolled your eyes and was about to say something back to him, but he took the opportunity to take your stomach and pull it down onto his, but that was a mistake in his case. 

You heard his super fast heartbeat coming from his chest, and you slowly looked up at him, smiling. "Yawne, I think it is you who misses me."

He shut you up by tickling your sides, to the point where you couldn't stop laughing. "Ma'Jake-" you let out in between laughs, "must get to our duties-" but he didn't give up. He wanted to make you pay for disturbing his wonderful period of resting with his mate.

Eventually, he stopped. Now it was him who had you pinned to the hammock, looking up at him. He inched his face towards you and grinned, showing off his fangs. "I'll let you go if you just apologise, babe."

You frowned. "For what, ma'jake?" you inquired.

"For making me feel like this." he whispered. "All I can think about sometimes is you." he says, face turning fully serious. He had hearts in his eyes as he gazed at you, taking in your form.

You looked like a deity to him. He would worship you day and night if it meant he could spend the rest of his life with you like this, seeing your smile and your frowns, seeing you deep in thought and seeing you with the wind blowing your hair back as you rode happily on the back of your ikran, seeing you.

You were more radiant to him than any sight he could ever see on Pandora.

Now there was barely any space left between you two. You put your hand on the back of his face and pushed him towards you, pressing his soft lips against yours. He closed his eyes, and you closed yours. You both relished in the feeling of each other, and you smiled against the kiss.

He pulled away suddenly. You looked at him, wondering if you did something wrong. "Is there something wrong, love?"

"Yeah." he says, and as you're about to apologise, he presses a quick kiss to your forehead. "It's the fact that I can't get enough of you." he smiles, pressing more kisses around your face as you laugh.

Mornings like this were perfect, and you both wouldn't spend it any other way.

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