vi. "I will always love you." (neteyam)

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OG request from tumblr anon: "can i request neteyam x reader where neteyam's jealous bc reader has been hanging out with other people? but please make the ending happy, i beg"

🗝 oneshot summary: seems you've been paying other people a whole lot more attention lately, and it's making your dear boyfriend feel uneasy (jealous) inside. blablabla sweetie pie stuff happens, by the end of the night u two are cuddly lovey dovey again 💗

🌿 the lovely couple: neteyam x reader

📓 notes! 

- reader's gender is not specified + no implications + no given name (used: [Y/N]) 

- takes place in the forest

🎞 word count: 2.3k

"Yo bro!" Lo'ak waved towards his older brother, Neteyam's hair whipping around with his head as he turned to see what Lo'ak wanted.


He was in the middle of rebraiding his hair in his family's marui, something he would've asked you to do if he could even find you in the first place.

Lately, you'd been really absorbed with developing your hunting skills, something he respected and never thought twice about, until now.

"Did you and [Y/N] break up?"

"What would even make you think such a thing like that?" He completely abandoned his delicate ministrations through his hair, looking at his brother like he was insane. But deep down inside, he kinda wondered if you did too.

He rarely saw you these days, except for those fleeting moments where you two would wave at each other when passing by, and whenever he visited your tent you were never there. If he asked your friends they would constantly say you were out hunting, and he dropped his attempts at trying to find you.

But seriously, hunting for almost the whole day for almost 3 weeks? There had to be SOMETHING else you'd been doing.

"I never see you together anymore. N' I heard from their friends there's someone called Akxyeì in the picture. But if you did, there's no shame in it bro, it's all goo—"

Neteyam kicked him out of the tent.

He huffed as he finished braiding his hair, not bothering to give it a last look before stomping out in search of you. Who the hell was Akxyeì??

Deep in his chest came a mixture of doubts and emotions regarding your relationship— had he not been showing you how much he loved you? How come you had to hang out with some other stupid dude? What if it was even worse, what if you were beginning to lose your interest in him? He would die without you, honestly.

Or what if it was even worse, what if this Akxyeì character manipulated you into falling for him? He didn't know whether what he was feeling was anger or sadness. But I'll sum it up for you.


Everyone stared at him as he stormed into the forest, the expression on his face taut and unreadable. The gossipping elders immediately got into their little groups, discussing what could possibly happen to the two of you in great interest.

Not mud nor rain stopped him from tracking you, crouching along the forest floor, sniffing through the strong smell of rain in order to pick up your scent. The moment he found it, he bit back a growl; an unfamiliar scent was there with you.

He placed his hand on his forehead, taking deep breaths before heading in the direction you were supposed to be, reaching what the omaticayans dubbed the 'lovers lake.' He frowned remembering the nickname.

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