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┌── •✧• ──┐"Eh, very tight!"

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┌── •✧• ──┐
"Eh, very tight!"

Let's just say that everyone in the truck is getting smushed while Pigsy is trying to drive. 
'This is the worse.' Y/n thought getting squashed between Tang and Mk, having his face of annoyance, glimpsing at his partner, Paimon who was getting extremely squished, you can barely see her since she's smallish yet her rose-golden crown can be noticed.

"Pigsy, watch where you're going!" As Tang looked at him with a slightly panicked face, Pigsy continued swerving through everything.
"You're gonna kill us!"

Mk moved into the scene by squeezing himself through Tang and Y/n, having his book in front of him and responded.
"Yeah, we gotta get to Flower Fruit Mountain without getting smooshed in a car crash." swiftly flipped the pages until he landed on the right page and planted the pages beside Pigsy's face who still focusing the driving.

"All we need to do is drive through an entire ocean. Simple!"

"Wouldn't that take a while to get across the entire ocean...?" Y/n questioned. Mk looked at him and was about to answer when Mei interrupted.

"Guys! Demon Bull King has onto downtown. He's destroying the cheese tea stalls!" Pointing her phone as showing them on screen, which Y/n and Paimon can't see it.

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