Chapter 2 - Roland's Training

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As the man looked at Roland and the injured Akina, Roland had an amazed look on his face.

As the man looked at Roland and the injured Akina, Roland had an amazed look on his face

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before remembering that he's still holding Akina. "Akina! Hold on!" Roland said, as the man put his sword away and went up to them.

"Don't worry, the wound is not fatal." the man said, while helping to clean up the blood and bandaging her arm. "She's going to live." The man assured, and Roland let out a sigh of relief.

Miss Hagino then thanks them for saving Akina after returning her home and explaining the situation to her grandmother. The man then took Roland back to his home.

"Tell me, boy, you aren't from around here, are you?" he questioned Roland. "Oh, ummm, yeah, it's quite obvious, isn't it?" Roland replied. "So who are you, Mr., and how did you defeat that demon?" Roland asked as the man looked at him. "I've never seen such speed, and you cut that demon's head off right away." Roland said.

"That is the skill of a demon slayer." the man replied. "A demon slayer?" Roland said. "We are an organisation that has existed since ancient times, dedicating our existence to protecting humanity from demons." the man explained to Roland as he looked to the ground.

"The fact that he easily dispatched that demon, while I just ran, I couldn't even get Akina somewhere safe." Roland thinks, annoyed at himself for not being able to do something about the situation at hand.

He then made a decision. "Mr?" As the man came to a halt and looked at Roland, the foreign boy bowed to him. "Please, sir, take me as your student." Roland said, as the man had a surprised and confused look on his face.

"Oh, you want to be a demon slayer?" The man asked, seeming more surprised. "Yes." Roland replied. "You should know that it's not going to be easy, you'll also be fighting some powerful demons that have different abilities." The man explains to Roland.

"I know, but back there, I couldn't do anything to help my friend. If you hadn't come in time, she and I would have died. So that is why I need to be strong." Roland replied, as the man thinks.

"An outsider as a demon slayer? That is something unheard of. But maybe." the man thinks. "You got a name, kid?" he asked as Roland looked at him. "I'm Roland Whittingham." Roland replied.

"Well, Roland, I am Haruto Osamu, and from now on, you'll be my student." Haruto said.


The swordsmen explained the situation to Roland's parents as they sat at a table with his parents and his two older brothers, processing the information they had been given.

"So, you want to train my son to be a swordsman, so he can fight these demons?" Roland's mother questioned.

"Yes, that is exactly what we want to do." Haruto replied.

"But that is quite a lot of responsibility." Roland's father said, as one of his older brothers sighed as he looked at Roland with a disappointed look. "Seriously Roland? You couldn't just get a normal job?" his brother asked, as Roland rolled his eyes.

"Ofcourse you would have opinions about it." Roland replied, getting annoyed at his brother's disapproval. "Well, he has a point, but I can't lie that becoming a swordsman sounds cool to me." Roland's other older brother replied, as Roland's mother thinks. "Are you really thinking of letting Roland be a swordsman, Mum?" Roland's brother said, as their mother thinks about it. "I don't know, as a mother, I want to make sure that my son is making the right decision," she replied.

"I know that you're worried. And to be honest, the job of a demon slayer is a very dangerous one. In my lifetime, I have encountered demons with powerful and deadly abilities, But with my training, I believe your son can become a demon slayer, and not only that, but be the first outsider to become one." Haruto replied.

"Are you sure Roland wants to be a demon slayer?" Roland's mother asked. "I mean, how could Roland continue his education as a swordsman, if he also takes up a job that doesn't pay?"

"Oh, don't worry about that, members get paid all the time, how do you think we get our food and home?" Haruto replied, as Roland's parents look at each other as they make an agreement.

"Alright, if it's something Roland wants and it's well paid, you can train him." Roland's mother said.

-the next day-

Roland ran around in Shirabiro village with a box on his back, taking the stone stairs up and down ten times.

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