(NSFW) catte x hazzy x lemonshork

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Catte the cat was just relaxing in cafeteria trying as hard as she can to grab atleast a piece of food with her paws, "aghhh why is this so hard!?!?" Frustrated she kept on trying to get one being the silly cat she is,

she sense something from behind is sneaking up to her, she turned around and sees nothing, ".. I'm pretty sure i sensed something- oh well." She continues with her pointless act before something suddenly grabbed her from behind, "AAAAAA!" Screamed catte. "Shhhhh-!! It's me, hazzy" hazzy let go of catte, "oh my GOSH- DON'T DO THAT AGAINNN!! >:((" Replied catte, "well- i saw you trying to pick up that piece of lemon-.. thought i could help, why would you want a lemon anyways-" hazzy asked, knowing that catte dislikes lemon. "Ohhh, just for fun, i wanted to feed this to the sharks!!" Catte answered. "Oh.. alright.. wait can i- ask you something-..". "Huh? What is it?", "are you-.. into any gootratxians here-..?" Hazzy asked nervously. "Oh, well- "into?"" She asked again, "yes- into as if you had a crush or liked a goo," answered hazzy. Catte started to blush softly "maybe! But you can't know!!1!!1". Hazzy seemed to be abit upset, sighing, "oh well- sigh. Seeya"

hazzy walked out of the cafeteria. Catte realised that hazzy is upset so she started to follow him silently,

hazzy walked past the pool full of sharks as catte stop by, "ooohh," she dropped the piece of lemon she got earlier "i wanted to see what happens...oh wait, I was supposed to comfort hazzy!!" She run to find hazzy again, but the sharks already started reacting to the dropped lemon...

Catte eventually found hazzy in the garden room, she saw hazzy with plantix sitting together beside the tree facing the opposite side from the window. She decided to snuck in trying to get undetected by hazzy, as she got closer she started to hear their conversation, she decided to stay and secretly listens to them. ".. I don't know tixy.. I don't think catte is really into me-" sighed hazzy, "nono I'm sure she does-! Don't be sad friend, try to really confess her about it- maybe she doesn't realise you liked her," confronted plantix. "Alrighto, thanks plantie!" Hazzy smiled, "no problemo my friend!" Plantix hugged hazzy before noticing catte Listening to them. "O-oh.." said plantix, "what?" Asked hazzy, he looked behind him to see catte right behind his back, he started to blush uncontrollably worried if she heard the whole conversation. "I- i actually felt the same-.. just couldn't confess it.. yet.". "..oh how much have you heard from us-..." Hazzy asked. "When you thought i didn't like you- ehe" catte let out a small nervous laugh. Hazzy relived, plantix started to hide into the bushes leaving the two alone.

As catte was about to let a word out hazzy covers her mouth with his paw, "shh.. i heard something" hazzy looked around, "let's go somewhere else," hazzy pulled catte back into the cafeteria. Hazzy then started to bend catte over the cafeteria front counter, looking around making sure they're completely alone. "Huh? Whats wrong hazzie?" Catte got confused, "nothing nothing.." hazzy replied,


before catte was able to ask anything else she felt something touching her fluffy pussy, "h-HUH?? IS HE DOING WHAT I AM THINKING HE DID?!" catte thought in her mind before the thing pushes further into catte, "m-myaah-!" Catte moaned lowly, she looked into hazzy seeing he being completely red. "I'm sorry catte." Hazzy stated before pushing his penis deeper into catte, she let out another soft moan, hazzy started to pounce on catte pushing his penis in and out deeper every thrust as catte moaned differently for every thrust. "Ny-nyaaw!1! Harder!" Catte ordered hazzy as she started to feel the pleasure for the first time ever, hazzy as told to started to go faster and deeper everytime, as he started to hit the g-spot. "oml-" catte moaned loudly as hazzy started hitting the spot repeatedly as he came in her and causing loud sounds from the cafeteria, attracting another creature..

it was a lemonshork, watching them doing eachother. "I uh-.." hazzy stoped as he nervously look at the shork, the shork came closer to hazzy pushing him into the counter and rode on hazzy's back, having his cock inside of hazzy's asshole. Hazzy moaned to that unexpected move, hazzy felt abit pain as he never got anything inside there before, the lemonshork started to thrust in hard pulling hazzy closer and further repeatedly effecting catte too, the three of them moaned together as lemonshork continues thrusting aggressively, he suddenly came into hazzy causing he to groan loudly in pain as it is lemon flavored, shork pulled his cock out of hazzy giving him a break,

"g-gahh! That was abit painful-.." complained hazzy as he also removes his penis out of catte, her breathes started to slow down, relaxing abit. "That... Was.. the best thing I've ever experienced-.." catte said as she is filled up with hazzy's juice,

(First time- huhu,)

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