Chapter Three

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Uchiha Manor

Tables were being thrown around and vases were being smashed as Madara released his anger. That damn Senju bastard! Madara and Izuna got back from a battle with the stupid dryads but that bastard Tobirama was able to wound Izuna badly and no one in the clan seemed to know how to fix it. Madara shouted in rage and threw another vase.

"At this point, we won't have any furniture left." He heard a soft feminine voice sound behind him.

"Be thankful it is only the furniture, Mikoto." He growled as he gripped the nearest table to reign in his anger. He heard her give a deep sigh before he heard several more footsteps appear. He gritted his teeth and whirled around to face the few Uchiha members he allowed in the main house.

"What do you all want? Can't you see I'm busy redecorating?" He snapped as he spread hours hands out as though to show them what he meant.

"It's not really to my taste." He heard a monotonous voice say making him whip his head to the right to glare at Itachi.

"Then leave." He growled vehemently at him. Itachi didn't seem to bother and just simply turned his head towards Shisui who stood next to him. Shisui grinned at Madara and threw his arms behind his head.

"That's not very nice, especially since we've come to give you some help," Shisui said rocking on his heels, Madara glared even harder.

"What do you mean?" He kept all hopeful thoughts from his mind because if the Uchiha healers couldn't save Izuna then no one could. Fugaku who stood next to Mikoto nodded his head towards his youngest son, Sasuke, who stood against the wall closest to Madara with his eyes closed.

"Sasuke knows of a healer that can help master Izuna," Fugaku said, Madara fully turned toward Sasuke and gave him his full attention.

"Well then who is it?" He snapped, getting impatient with Sasuke. Sasuke sighed and stood up straighter and crossed hours arms.

"Her name is Dr. Haruno Sakura," Sasuke said as he opened his eyes and showed a spinning mangekyo sharingan.

It seemed that she was the place to go for all mythical creatures' health needs now. Her vet clinic is open for animals during the day and at night she is for the mythical beings you'd think only existed in fairytales. From kitsune to sirens she sees them all now. She has even made some friends like Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi, and Ino who is a siren. Ino has also introduced me to one of her lovers Sai, who is a Tengu.

She was becoming well versed in Tengu care as of late. It seems every Uchiha has deemed her their personal Dr. Every day she always has at least one Uchiha coming through her doors for some type of medical treatment or opinion. Just last week she met Itachi, Sasuke's brother, and Shisui, Sasuke's cousin. Itachi had a broken arm and a deep gash in his thigh while Shisui was missing an eye. She was horrified about the whole thing. After all, she only knows animals not humans (or mythical creatures) so when someone walks in missing an eye it should be obvious that she is going to freak out a bit.

She could do nothing to save the eye but slowly she helped Shisui's eye socket heal to the point where if he ever wanted an eye transplant it wouldn't be hard to do. Now Shisui, and a silent Itachi, pops in every night with a cup of coffee before her night shift starts and shamelessly flirts with her until her first patient. She usually doesn't have to wait long.

Tonight there was no Shisui or Itachi though which left her belly in an uncomfortable mess. Sakura was sitting at the front desk resting her cheek in her hand while scribbling down her grocery list. She is hardly ever home so most of the list was ramen, junk food, and frozen meals.

"I would have figured as a Dr. you would understand the benefits of eating healthy and not eating a bunch of junk." She heard a deep voice say right next to her ear making her freeze and her heart stutter. She slowly turned her head to where the voice came from and gasped. She didn't even hear the bells on the door yet before her stood the most beautiful man she had ever seen, even more beautiful than any other Uchiha she had come across so far.

This man was clearly a Tengu if his large jet-black wings behind him were anything to go by. His hair, which matched the color of his wings, lay along his back in messy spikes as though he never brushed it. He stood from his bent position near her with a devilish smirk upon a perfectly pale unblemished face and a twinkle of mischief in his onyx eyes. He brushed his hands down the front of his black kimono before crossing his arms in front of him and placing his hands on the sleeves. He was the definition of poised perfection.

"Forgive me for startling you, it was not my intention Dr. Haruno. My name is Uchiha Madara, I am the head of the house. I've come to request that you make a house call to the Uchiha compound for my younger brother Izuna. He has been wounded very badly and our healers can no longer help him." Madara looks Sakura over as though he is assessing her like an antique piece.

 "My nephew, Sasuke, said that you are quite exceptional at what you do and have no qualms about helping Tengu." At this point, Sakura was sure she looked like a fish out of the water with the way she was opening and closing her mouth. She was completely caught off guard by the formality he was presenting himself in. She has become so accustomed to the informal way all the others talk with her that she didn't know how to properly respond.

"I can do that." She whispered to him not entirely sure if this was the correct way to accept his request. He smirked at her and straightened to his full height and ruffled his feathers as though preparing to take off. He held his hand out to her and she simply stated at it still a little in shock with the whole situation.

"If you'll come with me now that would be best. His health is declining very rapidly and I would prefer you see him tonight rather than tomorrow." Madara stated, he said this with demand in his tone yet it didn't fully feel like a demand. Of course, she knew that if she refused he would most likely snatch her up and take her with him anyway. Most demanding tones push her buttons until she is raging but this time all she wanted to do was follow him, even if he led her to her death. She stiffened at the thought and tried to rationalize how stupid that sounded but she knew it to be true.

Everything about the man that stood before she screamed hers. She wanted to please him, care for him and never let him go. Sakura wasn't much of a possessive person but for some reason, Madara made her near-obsessive with possessing him.

Was Tengu able to hypnotize people? Maybe that is what's going on so that he can assure them that she will follow. Madara cleared his throat causing her to blush with the realization that she was deep in her inner monologue for quite some time. He smirked at the way her cheeks flooded pink and reached his hand out further to her. She looked at his hand once more then up at him and taking a deep breath she grabbed his hand. He pulled her from her chair and began walking towards the front doors but she stopped right before they left.

"I need to grab some medical supplies before we go," Sakura said as she tried to pull her hand from his. He tightened his grip on her hand and looked at her briefly before looking away.

"Do not worry about that Dr. Haruno. We have the best medical instruments you can find at the compound plus any herb or tincture you may need, and if we do not have it we will procure it for you." Madara said all this while continuing his way to the front, pulling her along with him. She was quite shocked by his words but nodded in consent. 

She flipped the open sign off and grabbed her keys out of her pocket so she could lock up, all while still holding his hand. After locking up she turned back towards him and gasped at the image before her. Madara stood with his wings fully spread out and the sunset behind him caused the orange light to bounce off his black feathers. 

It was an image she was sure she will never forget. Madara had a small smile reach his lips but it soon disappeared and he pulled her towards him and wrapped hours arms around her causing her to, embarrassingly, squeal and turn brighter than a tomato.

"Do not let go of me and put your face in my chest to avoid the wind from suffocating you. We will be flying faster than one of your jets so try not to squirm too much." Right after he said all of that his wings slapped downwards once and that shot into the sky. Sakura clutched onto his arms so tight her knuckles were almost pure white. She nuzzled her face into his black kimono and squeezed her eyes shut hoping that they would get there soon.

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