The Desert

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We got out of the forest to see a desert; the week was getting too weird. First, we were stuck in the elevator, then the forest and now the desert what would be next? Nobody knows what's going to happen next. All of what is happening I feel like it is related to The Place and the Phobic Experiment. I have a really bad feeling. The hot sun made all of us hot. We ran out of water too quickly no one listened to my rationing. Like seriously they all just do what they want, just acting like that they are not in danger or anything. We found some cactuses, but no one wanted them. Then we crossed a huge field of yellow dandelions. We picked so many up and put them everywhere for us. We ate some of the dandelions, it turned dark so we slept and took turns guarding the area from animals. It was my turn, and I was the last one thankfully the others didn't see anything. I was getting sleepy, then I heard something.

 Howling. In the desert there are no dogs just dingoes and coyotes. I started to panic. I woke them up, "Guys, guys wake up" I said, "Why what's wrong Estella" Draco said rubbing his eyes, "Dray the packs they're here" I said grabbing our things," the coyotes and dingoes". Alarmed everyone started packing everything. Then we started to run, we knew that coyotes and dingoes could run fast but we had an advantage. Unless there was blood. Blood. We were running and trying not to hit anything but as you know nothing was in our favor. Everest hit a cactus and fell, we had to work fast. The spines were on his left arm. Part of the cactus was open I got a water bottle, and filled it by stuffing my hand into the gooey part of the cactus in putting it in the bottle, I closed my eyes and used our old, ripped rope and tied it on his arm.

 Blood was seeping out. The howls stopped. You could see the glows of their eyes look our direction. At least it was dark, or the blood. The blood. It was dripping now, I pushed my eyes shut not seeing the blood at told Ace what to do. "Wrap it around his arm and pour the cactus on the arm," I said. I heard the coyotes come closer, we started running again, we probably ran for 15 mins until we got tired. I didn't hear the coyotes anymore, we stayed there for some time. Luckly Everest hadn't lost a lot of blood so he didn't have any problems I finally was able to take the spines off of him. We didn't really speak in that time, Everest was trying hard to not squeal or gasp because of the pain. "Last one" I said to Everest, he nodded. It was morning now and we were hungry so we ate some dandelions. 


To be honest the flowers actually taste good. Then we fell asleep in a instant. "Zuzu come on, come on" younger me said pulling Zuzu," I wanna sing with you" "Fine but only for you 'k" he said smiling. Then Zuzu and me started singing some lyrics from Lovely by Billy Eillish," But I know some day I'll make it out of here. Even if it takes all night or a hundred years.Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near. Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear." It was the last song we sung together again. I woke up feeling cold, I looked outside it was evening, I woke the gang up, "Guys it's dark out we should run now again" they just stared at me with a crazed face. They took everything and we just walked. We walked for 2 hours and was getting cold and we needed something to keep us awake. I took the gum pack and gave a piece to everyone, it worked we eventually ran, but only for 10 minutes or I thought so.

I still don't understand that why are they using phobias as a trigger to rhes powers. Phobias are emotional things that are different for a different person. So why phobias nothing was on the files to answer that question so they didn't help. I reread the files just incase they were hidden clues inside. I switched the letters in some of the words, nothing I took all the uppercase letters to form a word or phrase all I got was just gibberish. I thought of what happend so far I then realized it, all of this happend because of me. If I hadn't escaped the Place then Zuzu and Katsuki would have gotten to me faster, and since I did escape I ended up at the school where I had to go to a elevator with this idiots and make them suffer. I wished I could turn back time I could've stopped being born or from escaping. Then none of this would have happen. This proves it more that I always make problems. Shit why am I so delusional am I this dumb and stupid. The Phobic Machine its, its taking everyone, it should just be targeting me, why is it targeting them, is it because I know them or something? 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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