Trailer for RUNDOWN

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[Not really a trailer but a bunch of sentences in the book put together I guess]

"Promise me, Aru" My mom had once said, when she thought Aru was asleep. "Give someone else the love I-I" Her voice cracked and Aru wished nothing more than to hug her tightly. But Aru was afraid if she did that her mom wouldn't continue.

"I failed to give you"

If only she had known how much she had given her.


Her sister Kara had once told her what sympathetic meant. "It comes from the Greek sympathētikós, from sym-, meaning "with," and páthos, meaning "suffering." She once said, enthusiastically. "It means someone who can understand suffering"

"Meh" Aru had once said. "Sounds like pity's twin bro"

Kara had laughed.


"I decided...I'm not hungry anymore" He said. Aru groaned. Of course, this was a good thing. At least she knew the world wasn't ending.

"High five, girl, me neither" Aru cried out with fake cheeriness, as she jumped of the stool she was sitting on. "Let's just go home so I can protect my brain from frying any further." Aru wasn't facing him, but she felt him rolling his eyes at her. But when she turned back, she saw him grinning.

"What?" She asked, grinning now as well.

"Nothing" he replied. "You just remind me of a girl from Atlanta"


What Aru saw brought a shaky hand to her mouth to muffle her scream and tears to her eyes. Her knees gave out and the next thing she knew she was on the floor.

There was blood everywhere. The place was destroyed. Books were torn, tables were broken and..

"RUNDOWN" was written in messy handwriting, with red paint across the wall.

'No, not paint' Aru realised. 'Blood'


Boo was a really big part of Aru, Mini's, and later, Brynne's childhood. He helped raise them.

So was it bad that immediately she thought to call Boo instead of her mom?


"Do you guys wanna investigate who did it?" Aru blurted. The 2 sisters looked at her with shock.

"Yeah. Let's do it" Brynne said, resuming with the ice cream.


"I'll help. I'd be worried about all three of you"

"I'll help. I'd be worried about you"

Aru's eyes flew open and she turned to face him.

"I've only known you for two days, but I still feel like you're a close friend" Aiden said. "I don't know if I can stand a friend getting hurt."

"I don't know if I can stand my sister getting hurt,"

Now Aru knew why he seemed so close.

"Let me help you guys"

"Let me help you, Aru"


'Nikki says trusting someone is a lot like walking off a cliff on purpose' Sheela told her once. It was so true. Once you trust someone, you give them full permission to hurt you. It was like playing hide and seek, when you got tired of hiding that you just expose yourself, allowing the seeker to catch you.


"Imma just get to the car" Aru said quickly, walking out.

She felt a strong hand close around her arm and pull. A gloved hand covered her mouth as she screamed.

It all went black.


"It's true, is it not?" Krithika replied, deathly calm. "Otherwise why would you call yourself the Sleeper? I will not ask you again, WHERE IS ARU?"

"In a hospital bed" Suyodhana said, dismissively.


"That's when I realized how lucky I was. I never complained after that day" Aru said wistfully. "Brynne got introduced to Mini, and here we are. We're inseparable"


She dropped the file and brought her hands up to her face. Her eyes snaked around the room and she felt her breathing get heavier.

No...this didn't make sense. Boo was like a father she never had...he wouldn't do this would he?

But it all clicked. It made sense. The only person she told of her surroundings was...

'We need to get out of here. And fast'


"BOO!" Aru screamed. She heard her friends screaming out his name as she fell to her knees. "I TAKE IT BACK! I DIDN'T MEAN IT! COME BACK! BOO!"

Suddenly, it clicked. 'It's a trap'

Which meant...


His hand lifted to meet Krithika's when hell broke loose.

His eyes went glassy, he slowly dropped to his knees, revealing-

Kara. And a gun pointed in their direction.


As she left the funeral, it felt like she was leaving a chapter of her life behind.

It was the closure she needed. Because, really, without a closure, chapters of a story aren't really finished, are they?





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