Two Becomes Three

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Elisabeth made her way to the fields, looking for Bucky.

When she found him, she walked up to him.

"Everything okay?" Bucky asked.

Elisabeth nodded. "I missed my cycle this month, and Shuri ran some tests."

"Libby, are you saying you're-"

She nodded again. "Yes, I am."

Bucky cupped her face with his good hand, pulling her into him. "We're gonna be parents."

She nodded. "Yeah, Buck, we are."

He placed a tender kiss to her lips and the two shared a soft smile.

Nine Months Later

Elisabeth laid on a bed in the medical wing and was in progress of pushing.

She squeezed Bucky's hand as she let out a pained scream.

A short while later, a baby's cry filled the air.

The doctor smiled. "It's a girl."

The baby was cleaned and handed to Elisabeth who gently stroked her daughter's head. "Hi, baby. I'm your mother, and your amazing father is next to me."

Bucky pulled up a chair and took his daughter's tiny hand, then kissed Elisabeth's cheek. "You're amazing, doll."

Elisabeth smiled. "What shall we name her? I was thinking Colleen."

"I like it. Colleen Sarah?"

"When did we decide that?"

"We didn't. But I like the idea of carrying on the family name."


"For Colleen, yes. I imagine we'll have more children in the future. At least, I hope so."

Elisabeth met his eyes and smiled. "I should hope so as well." She handed Colleen to Bucky and her smile widened as she watched his interaction with their newborn daughter.

Colleen Sarah Barnes

Colleen Sarah Barnes

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