Back to school

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Me and Leo walked into the school, all eyes on us as we walked through the halls, his friends came up and went to insult me... Like usual but Leo stepped in "Leave her alone. She didn't do anything to you, now GO.",  I will never forget the look of shock on their faces.

Time skip ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

at lunch me and leo sat with each other, his arm around my waist as his head rest on my shoulder. No one bothered to say anything as they knew Leo's old reputation

At the home

Me and Leo decided to watch a movie but a bit later my heart rate went insanely fast and I felt dizzy...

I woke up in my bed with Leos arms around me, "Are you okay, love!" he asked In the most concerning voice, "yeah... Just tired.",  "should we get to bed them?" I nodded and he got up and turned out the light and came back and pulled me into a kiss then pulled my head to his chest then we both fell asleep

A/N hey sorry this was short I just wanted to get some kind of chapter out I haven't wrote much bc school and I've been drained

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