Prologue: Operation Crowned Monarch - Phase Two

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"The only thing all humans are equal in... Is death."

- Johan Liebert, Monster (2004)


[Somewhere On The Polish Countryside]
[February 15, 2025]
[0822 HRS]

A Black V-22 Osprey cruised the Polish airspace for some time. Normally, fighter jets should've already been scrambled as of now to intercept the aircraft but it seems that it wasn't the case. But moving that aside, inside the aircraft are everyone that was on the van hours ago. Including the driver.

One thing they had in common currently is that they're sitting upright with the heads pointing downward, eyes closed.

Some were just leaned on the side, the others were holding on the nearest object they had. One of them being Schwarz who is currently holding on his unloaded sniper rifle as a crutch while napping.

"Entering Poznań, ETA five minutes. Rise and shine people" The helicopter pilot said on his headset to which Schwarz woke up eventually. The others slowly got up from their naps when Schwarz began to wake them up too.

"Ugh" Baker groaned. "We there yet?"

"We near, so look alive." Schwarz said

As every single one of them started to get themselves together after a long nap, Schwarz's radio crackled back to life.

"How are your holding up back there Splinter?" A female voice spoke.

"I need some grub." Schwarz demanded


"Why are we in Poland anyway?" Schwarz inquired.

"We made a deal with the Polish Air Force for a land lease on one of their airfields. They we're more than happy to lend us when they learned of our operations."

"Cool, we're going there then?" Schwarz asked

"Yes." Andersson answered

"Anyways, mind telling me who was our client for this gig?"

"Sorry, need to know basis only" Andersson said

"You intel people give me the creeps." Schwarz said in dismay.

"As you should be... It's a government agency, that's all I can say."

As they finished talking the aircraft is already crossing the city and a nearby airfield is slowly closing in. As they got near to it the aircraft slowly decreased it's speed, preparing for a landing.

"Raven Two-Three-Seven to Krzesiny Tower, requesting permission to land over." The helicopter pilot said to its radio comms before he was met with a response from the tower.

"Raven Two-Three-Seven, Krzesiny Tower, winds two-zero-two at one-one, cleared to land, helipad three-three-left. Welcome home boys." A rough voice in the tower responded with clear and concise directions.

"Roger, Raven Two-Three-Seven cleared to land, helipad three-three-left" the helicopter pilot said before ceasing communications with the tower and heading to the designated helipad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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