Salmonaid research lab

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It was her first day at the salmonaid research lab! She sprung out of bed and a grabbed her coat and raced out the door. She ran down the streets but then she realized, she had left Oliver at the house! She raced back to the house and unlocked the door. She saw Oliver who was still in his little bed sleeping. She lifted him very gently to avoid waking and carefully stepped towards the door. The chum started to move and wake up so she nudged him lightly. "Oliver?" She whispered, seeing if the chum was awake. Oliver opened his big eyes and glanced at Inklexia.

Time skip

The salmonaid research lab was awesome! Everyone there was extremely nice and interested about Oliver. Almost everyone had asked how she had tamed a chum because they had trouble taking smallfrys. Every time she had answered "I don't know". There was one person who was kinda suspicious. His name was Kontomon and he had taken no interest in welcoming Inklexia to the salmonaid research lab. He had been looking at her strange too, Jealousy? Or was he hiding something? She almost fell out of her chair when someone knocked on the door. "Come in" she said the door opened slowly revealing Saba. Saba had founded the salmonaid research lab. She had also managed to do the almost impossible, Saba had tamed a cohock. "Hi Inklexia! I want to show you something!"said Saba. "Sure!" Replied Inklexia. "Follow me" said Saba, Saba lead her down a series of corridors and eventually they were met with a door. Saba slid a key into the lock and gently pushed open the door. Inside Inklexia saw a flute shaped like a long snake sitting inside a glass case. "This is the salmonaid stone, it is said anyone who plays it will be able to summon a large salmonaid snake. We have decided to call the snake a Horrorboros." Explained Saba. "We only allow inklings who have tamed salmonaids to see it." Added Saba. "Wow" exclaimed Inklexia studying the flute.

Time skip

"I'll order one bowl of fried rice please" Inklexia said to the waiter. Saba had recommended a restaurant to her so she had decided to try it. The sun had set behind trees in the distance revealing the shining stars and beautiful night sky. On the horizon it possible to see far away lights of Inkopolis but they were very faint.

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